First of all, I hope I've understood everything alright and this post is allowed to be here. If not, please let me know and I'll remove it, or please message me privately - I could really use some help.
The thing is, I've never been sure as to whether my issue is an eating disorder, or disordered eating. For the longest time, I thought that it might
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The difference i think between "disordered eating" and an eating disorder is kinda the following:
- an ED is when you can't stop your thoughts and behaviour - you're kinda obsessed. If you've got disordered eating you can probably straighten it out and be 'normal'.
- an ED is when you're using your behaviour and thoughts to try deal with something that is deeper and more psychological - as a coping mechanism to deal with negative emotions.
Disordered eating can go away when you realize that you don't need to lose more weight. An eating disorder is when you might even realize on a subconscious level that you really don't have to lose more weight, but your eating disorder is much louder and you feel to your very bones that you have no choice because you're still a fat whale, no matter what the scale or what others tell you.
I wonder though, what life is like beyond an eating disorder, and if that's even possible for me. I know it has happened for others, but there are going to be people out there who gave in to it and learned to live with it...As much as I don't want to, at the same time, I think I'm holding myself back. I think my eating disorder has defined me more than I dare to realize.
Whether you have the capability to be totally 'normal' or not, it's definitely worth a try - there's absolutely more to life than your ED.
Unfortunately, it's not doing much to help me, however. I can't seem to stop setting myself apart from people like you that have recovered or are well on their way to being so. I'm trying - I've even returned to the psychiatrist I was referred to several more times now which is definitely a huge step for me, but...things only seem better for one or three days after a session with her before they go back to what they always have been. I can't seem to hold on to hope anymore. It doesn't help that after telling me that the medication that she would be giving me to help with my severe depression would not cause me to gain weight - after promising me that ( ... )
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