Happy New Year? Hah!

Jan 06, 2022 22:41

Er, hi there ... I know, it's been a while, but some of you might remember me, I guess. I'm afraid I almost certainly won't be providing a major update on what's been going on since last I wrote, on account of I suspect that would simply mean another year of not posting anything at all. So, in hopes that this entry will really mean that I'm back, let's get to it ...

Well, our family's 2022 hasn't started out quite as well as we might have hoped. After a low-key new year's dinner at Carl Dow's (my one and only regular out of the house contact since Covid hit Canada), on Sunday I started to feel like I had a cold coming on. Monday I was deep into (what felt exactly like) my first cold since before Covid came to Canada.

Thought I, "I really should get tested," and went to the net to find out how to arrange that. Turns out that, despite having an unvaccinated toddler at home, our brutal and cowardly government doesn't want people to know the actual number of infections - I didn't meet the testing criteria.

To make a long story short, Raven came down with flu-like symptoms on Tuesday, and poor Baobao spent the same day day, eating and puking and sleeping (three hours in my arms through one exhausting stretch). Covid? Omicron variant? I think so - between the three of us we've covered pretty much all the symptoms and Raven has (honest to god) never had so much as a cold or flue in the dozen years we've been together - but I don't suppose we'll ever know for certain, since Doug Ford's incompetent and malignant regime doesn't want people to know how bad things are and won't test people.

Nevertheless, I am cautiously happy to report that my "cold" seems to be easing up, that Baobao hasn't vomited since Tuesday's deluge and that her energy levels are back to normal, though she still has a bit of a cough and isn't eating much, and that Raven's symptoms haven't kept her from working (from home, people; from home!). Oh, and my father reports that he feels perfectly well.

So, presumably I picked it up while out shopping but, again, we'll never know, because our government can't be bothered to test.
Knocking wood this is as bad (for us) as it's going to get, I'm going to watch the new episode of The Expanse, then try to have an early night. Here's a recent photo of my darling toddler.

P.S. On Monday I called Ontario's Telehealth line for advice about what to keep an eye out for vis-a-vis Baobao, but was told (when I finally got through to a receptionist of some sort, that there was a four day wait for a call-back. My hats, all of them, are off to our health-care workers.

This entry was originally posted at https://ed-rex.dreamwidth.org/302979.html. Comment there using OpenID, or here as per normal.

doug ford, raven, baobao, omicron variant, self-isolation, telehealth, health, covid19

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