I think I mentioned it in a comment on someone else's journal, but I haven't said anything about it here.
I had an appointment with my MDeity this morning, on account of Raven having noticed a scaly kind of discoloration on the side of my neck way back around Easter. At the time, I dismissed as probably being a result of my bike helmet strat abrading it or something, but she took a photo of it around the end of July and that was enough to make place a call to Doctor Chow's office.
Anyway, the news today was mostly good. She told me the markings aren't cancer (the big worry, 'natch), but since she doesn't know what they are, referred me to a specialist. Figures it will be about four months until I see her.
She also told me that the blood tests she'd sent me for blood tests to check for adult-onset diabetes (I'd complained of a series of "near colds", maybe a month in which I felt like I was coming down with something every two or three days). Not only were my results good, she said, they were "very good. I pee a lot 'cause I drink plenty of fluids - and the near-colds stopped happening the moment I walked out of her office last time.)
And finally, the arthritis. She says it will subside with time, and approves of my desire to stay away from meds that would see me getting blood tests to make sure I'm not fucking up my liver every three months.
So, yeah. For now I deal with the pain, take ASA and see if the twice-daily does of turmeric tea (which I started trying this week) does any good. When I mentioned that I can't do push-ups because of the pain, she made the very sensible suggestion that I do them on my knuckles and I'll give that a try.
So. All things considered, not to bad. The process of deterioration is ongoing, but moving at a pleasantly slow clip. And there's nothing stopping me from playing soccer or carrying on my 25 kilometre round-trip commute to work on my new bicycle.
Now if I can only get back to writing, I'll be in clover.
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http://ed-rex.dreamwidth.org/283731.html. Comment there using OpenID, or here as per normal.