Merci (or should that be 'mercy'? Whatever)

Feb 22, 2010 23:51

Young Geoffrey's Breakfast

By Geoffrey (A.A. Milne) Dow

Young Geoffrey asked
Da Google
And Da Google
Asked the Coder:
"Could we have some documen(tation)
For Young Geoffrey new website?"

Da Google asked the Coder,
The Coder
Said, "Certainly,
"I'll go and tell Drupal('s)
Community documenters."

The Coder
She curtsied
And went and told
Told some Programmer:
"Don't forget to translate jargon
For Young Geoffrey's new website."
The Programmer
Said haughtilly:
"You'd better tell
Young Geoff(e)rey
That many people nowadays
Learn PHP

The Coder
Said, "Fancy!"
And went to
Da Google.
She curtsied to Da Google, and
She turned a little red:
"Excuse me,
Da Google,
For taking of
The liberty,
But PHP is easy, if,
You'd only
Read line
By line."

Da Google said
And went to
Young Geoffery:
"Talking doc'mentation for
Young Geoffrey's new website,
Many people
Think that
Is eas'er.
Would you like a giant

Young Geoffrey said,
And then he said,
"Oh, deary me!"
Young Geoffrey sobbed, "Oh, deary me!"
And went back to bed.
He whimpered,
"Could call me
A fussy man;
I only want
A little
Information for
My site!"

Da Google said,
"There, there!"
And went to
The Coder.
The Coder
Said, "There, there!"
And went to the shed.
The 'grammer said,
"There, there!
It really is so

Why 60 hours of trial an (t)error
Will find him those lines of code for his site."

Da google said
"It's easy,"

The coder
Said it too.

And Young Geoffrey
Worked through
Line by line,
Saving changes
Changing back
At last
He'd found
That very

"Positive instead negative?!?"
Young Geoffery, he cried
"(Numbers, that is!)

"Why couldn't
Someone tell me
That's all
The only
'Twas called?"

Young Geoffrey
Clicked his heels
And yet
Twas with a hint of bitterness
He kissed nobody's head.
"Nobody," he said,
As he slid down the banisters,
Could call me
A fussy man -
I do like doc'mentation with my code!"

a.a. milne, drupal, random gloats, frustration, coding, poetry

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