
Nov 01, 2008 02:26

Or, for the sorostitutes, apparently, "Swalloween." Because of their sluttiness in costume choices. For as clod as people have been complaining about lately, I think I saw more leg today than I so most days in summer...I saw no less than three skirts so short that the undergarments were not hidden. Seriously, ladies, just go naked. Be Eve or someone, and stop pretending your costumes are deep and meaningful, when you're really just using the holiday as an excuse to show your skin without feeling guilty.

Today also marks one whole month without power at my apartment, and we're running into November now with no signs of change. I did, however, practically go squee when I got my paycheck today, and it has enough to pay rent for November. I'm not going to get evicted this month! Also, I'll get to catch up and actually have money prepared for the next month, and I won't have to spend an additional 75 dollars each month in late rent fees. I might even have enough at some point to get my power turned on or something.

My costume went over pretty well, with the only negative responses coming from the lazy rich douchebag who comes to the table now and won't tell people his name. To him and anyone who agreed with his viewpoints, a) I was wearing a costume, you weren't, what right do you have to criticize me? b) I made my costume from scratch, sewing and crafting by hand, in about 8 hours. c) I noticed the looks I was getting, so clearly your opinion wasn't shared universally. Fuck you.

I haven't had any more prophetic or symbolic dreams lately, or any that I can remember clearly, for that matter. However, www.astrobarry.com horoscopes are ridiculously accurate, to at least four people that I've shared them with. They put up weekly horoscopes, and for the past three weeks, I have felt as though they were talking directly to me, and so I've taken them seriously, as far as the advice given, and I've had great results. Highly recommended.

I've got to start writing. NaNoWriMo is upon us. Get the word count up.
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