I did the meme

Oct 26, 2008 23:03

Ten things you like about yourself:
1. my facial hair
2. my skills in the games I play
3. doing capoeira
4. sometimes I come up with witty retorts
5. the scars on my hands
6. my physical strength
7. not having to style my hair
8. being able to draw and write creatively
9. I'm good at making things
10. I had what it takes to be an Eagle Scout

Ten reasons you're a good boy/girlfriend:
1. I'm a good listener, when I try
2. I'm affectionate
3. I will go out of my way to make the person I'm with happy
4. sex is not anywhere near an important factor of the relationship
5. I like cuddling, and I'm very cuddly myself
6. you can feel safe with me
7. I'm honest to a fault
8. I will make time for the person I'm with, no matter what
9. I spontaneously make thoughtful gestures just because I feel like it
10. if I'm with someone, I'm *only* with them, no exceptions, no cheating, ever

Ten things you like enough to suffer bodily harm for:
1. I loves steak
2. my hedgehog, White Chocolate Truffles
3. close friends, probably any good acquaintance, really
4. my lappi
5. pretty much any of my collections or special possessions
6. Halloween
7. apparently, capoeira
8. Chinese buffet
9. bladed weapons
10. kisses and cuddles

Ten things you don't like about yourself:
1. how unattractive I am
2. my inability to run for extended periods of time
3. I suck at keeping my finances straight
4. I'm not very tidy or motivated when it comes to keeping my apartment clean
5. I sweat too much
6. worrying too much about things that aren't as bad as I make them out to be
7. I suck at school
8. I am too shy or embarrassed to say some things I wish I could say to girls I like
9. I don't care about my health
10. I developed some habits in the past that severely limited my flexibility

Ten reasons you might not be a good boy/girlfriend:
1. how unattractive I am
2. I have little to no money with which to do date-type activities
3. I don't have a vehicle other than a bicycle, so most hanging out would have to be within mutual walking distance
4. I can sometimes think too far ahead in a relationship, and miss things going on in the present
5. I can get overdependent, and sometimes feel neglected or too needy for attention
6. I overthink things too much
7. I have a lot of close friends who are female, and some of them are very dear to me, and this might make a girlfriend jealous of my attentions towards these other females
8. I have an odd sleeping habit, which sometimes makes me sleepy when other people are awake, or awake when they're asleep...this can be awkward if I spend a lot of time with someone
9. I don't put a lot of importance on sexuality in a relationship...so I probably won't initiate any sort of intimate contact, even kissing, without some sort of strong hint, and usually by that time she might be mad at me already for not doing so
10. I sometimes switch between brown-nosing too much or being playfully mean, and sometimes I'm too mean when I do that

Ten things you dislike enough to suffer bodily harm to avoid:
1. rejection...
2. getting in trouble for something embarrassing
3. using an umbrella for its intended purpose
4. going back to work at the nursing home
5. breaking a promise
6. country music
7. other bodily harm, in some cases
8. being late for something important
9. letting a friend down
10. breaking stuff I like, or that belongs to someone else
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