lol I don't want to ever "grow up" from my love of cutesy girly things. XD I don't care how childish people think it is. One of the things I love so much about Japanese society is that "childish = cute" so it's totally normal to see like, a 40 year old woman walking around with a Hello Kitty purse. But here in the U.S. if a 40 year old women were carrying around an HK purse people would look at her like she's crazy. lol
When I was only a senior in high school most of the kids acted like watching cartoons was "for babies". (@_@) My chemistry teacher was only like 25 or something & he was totally obsessed with The Simpsons.He would sit on the computer during free time in class and look at Simpsons websites. LOL But there were people in my class who would scoff at him and call him an "overgrown kid". That kind of judging people really ticks me off. You should be able to enjoy whatever you want if it's fun to you and not be mocked for it.
Besides, I would rather hang out with a person who spends their days watching cartoons & reading comics than someone who spends their days smoking pot & watching porn. :p
Mmm, for me, I'd judge someone to act "childish" if they were blatantly doing something considered childish just for attention. That's one of the things I love about Japan too 'cause then it just makes the people there at large a lot more enjoyable. Haha, I remember thinking over and over again how cute these Japanese (and other Asian groups) people looked overseas 'cause they were all posing in these fun ways and making fun of each other's pictures xD.
How is liking The Simpsons considered childish anyways? Even though they rarely cuss or anything (unless it's started too; I don't watch it so I don't know), I still wouldn't let a kid watch it just in case. Lol Actually I found out recently that an old middle school teacher of mine likes The Fairly Odd Parents (which is awesome!) from my sister and all I thought was "Sweet!". I think the reason why people scoff at anything they deem childish is that they either wanna seem cool because then they'd feel like they're grown up, or they're just jealous that they can't enjoy themselves doing what they do more than someone who is 20 and still plays with Legos xP.
*enjoys her cartoons and comics* Heeeeeeeeey~ :3. I'm pretty surprised how kids my own age actually find out that kinda stuff from people (the drinking and pot and all): I mean, I'd just generally thought some people were just douchebags, but then one day a friend of mine started pointing out all of the people who did it and I was all "....Huh???". Lol College is gonna be fun for sure xD.
When I was only a senior in high school most of the kids acted like watching cartoons was "for babies". (@_@) My chemistry teacher was only like 25 or something & he was totally obsessed with The Simpsons.He would sit on the computer during free time in class and look at Simpsons websites. LOL But there were people in my class who would scoff at him and call him an "overgrown kid". That kind of judging people really ticks me off. You should be able to enjoy whatever you want if it's fun to you and not be mocked for it.
Besides, I would rather hang out with a person who spends their days watching cartoons & reading comics than someone who spends their days smoking pot & watching porn. :p
How is liking The Simpsons considered childish anyways? Even though they rarely cuss or anything (unless it's started too; I don't watch it so I don't know), I still wouldn't let a kid watch it just in case. Lol Actually I found out recently that an old middle school teacher of mine likes The Fairly Odd Parents (which is awesome!) from my sister and all I thought was "Sweet!". I think the reason why people scoff at anything they deem childish is that they either wanna seem cool because then they'd feel like they're grown up, or they're just jealous that they can't enjoy themselves doing what they do more than someone who is 20 and still plays with Legos xP.
*enjoys her cartoons and comics* Heeeeeeeeey~ :3. I'm pretty surprised how kids my own age actually find out that kinda stuff from people (the drinking and pot and all): I mean, I'd just generally thought some people were just douchebags, but then one day a friend of mine started pointing out all of the people who did it and I was all "....Huh???". Lol College is gonna be fun for sure xD.
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