Mar 22, 2007 13:44
when is hxc hockey starting up?
randy are you playing men's soccer this year, i want to and so does scott...we need to find a team.
jobs kinda suck
so do the 3 dogs in my house, excluding judo and rosie
judo is huge, but he is a really cool dog, he looks like a grey hound, labardor cross.
and rosie is so small you don't even notice her.
also, my girlfriend is smart. legally lindsay.
i don't know if i'm going to go to the convacation. i never went to the first, it seems like a pain in the anus and i'm not really into that. it's on friday night, i don't really feel like wasting my free time doing bullshit. but, maybe if i go it will seem like an end to things and i can final go on to being an adult.