In response to Ashley's characterization of this morning...

Aug 16, 2009 21:51

Summary of the facts:

... Ashley has yet to respond to the pleadings that my attorney filed last year for divorce...

... We are separated, but still married...

... We have not been to court...

... There is no legal custody agreement in place...

... I have the same rights as Ashley; conversely, she has the same rights I do...

... She cannot keep me from seeing Theo; conversely, I cannot (and have no desire to) keep Theo from her...

... After Ashley moved out last year, Theo was seeing her based off of her schedule, typically at her convenience; this was to allow Theo to see her as often as possible...

... For about three months, I have been dropping off and picking up Theo at Ashley's, since her license is currently suspended...

... As of about two weeks ago, Ashley enrolled Theo in a school I didn't want him to go to, and which wasn't even her first choice of schools to go to...

... From my point of view, the main reason she did this is because she wants Theo stay primarily with her from now on...

... I can get Theo into a better school, but as far as I can tell, she doesn't agree this would be in his best interest...

... There wasn't any discussion of when I would get to see Theo after she had enrolled him, only her telling me when I could pick him up and drop him off... (granted, she did give me a worthwhile schedule)

... Late last week, she asked me when I could get him this weekend. I later responded around when I could get him, and what I had planned. She informed me that the time I could come by was unacceptable, to either come by earlier, at a time of her choosing, or she would make other arrangements. I asked her to just let me know where he would be at the time I could come by. She stated that she would not tell me, that if I didn't come by at the earlier time, to pretty much not bother coming at all. Copious amounts of disagreeing ensued...

... I called her this morning, letting her know I was on my way, to please tell me where Theo was. She responded as before...

... For me to be late, we would needed to have been in agreement as to when I would be there. That was not the case...

... I decided to go find him. Luckily I did. The babysitter informed Ashley I was there to get Theo. I informed the babysitter of my parental rights. Theo was allowed to be with me...

... Ashley called me, telling me she was on her way, demanding that I stay there, that I didn't have her permission to take Theo to Mica's party...

... To the best of my knowledge, the circumstances did not require her permission... (and, based on the information I've received from my attorney, my actions today would not be characterized as kidnapping)

... After hanging out a while, I decided to leave instead of waiting for Ashley. I did not foresee a personal confrontation going well, and didn't see how having Theo around to witness that would be good for him...

... Theo had a good day, got to play with his friend, and was back at Ashley's well before bedtime...

... Knowing how much Theo loves his mother and how she treats him almost makes up for her behavior towards me as of late. Almost...
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