... This is from an e-mail I received today, from one of the other parents of a school chum of Theo:
Subject: Keep school nurses in your school!
By now, I'm sure most of you have heard about the recent pulling of funding for school nurses from next year's budget. What you may not know is that school nurses see on average somewhere between 30-40 students per day; some days they may help out as many as 50 children! Some students needs daily care, whether it's insulin injections or asthma treatments. Some students they see as the situation arises, bloody nose, bee sting, and sometimes they are our first link to discovering more serious issues our children experience. No matter what the case may be, they serve a vital role at the school. One that parents, teachers and administration cannot fill. The GA Association of School Nurses has come up with a petition that we can all sign. PLEASE, PLEASE take a few minutes and go to their web site to sign the petition. It is just as crucial that the state hears from teachers and administrators as well as from parents and family members.
The web site is:
http://www.gasn.org/petitions/ Also, please forward this information to anyone and everyone that you know who might be willing to sign the petition as well. You can also contact your state representative.