My zombie class is better than sex.
I am not even joking about that.
This is our main textbook: This is our class website: Eat your heart out. For serious. Best class I've ever had, and it counts towards my diploma. And not only that, I mean bitch ass factor aside, this class is making us think and apply the zombie myth in all sorts of ideas and philosophical statements, political intrigue vs. human rights issues-- And the teacher is the most off-the-cuff, sarcastic, inappropriately hilarious, foul-mouthed guy I have ever met. He's fucking awesome.
So at the end of an extremely busy semester, I walked away with two A+, one A, one A-, and a B. Not bad for 18 hours of course work if I do say so myself. That puts me right at about a 3.8 GPA. Now I am going to class for 6 and a half hours each day for the next two weeks. It's a lot of work, but by Fall, I'll almost be a senior in college. How cool is that?? I might even be able to graduate in August of '08 if the God parts the waters and I have my way. Regardless, I'll be really done by December '08. I'll have my BA in Media Production for Telecommunications with a minor in Creative Writing. I've been looking at programs on the West Coast for MFAs in Creative Writing. Throw down-- it's pretty badass. Some schools let me teach, pay me for my services rendered, AND pay my full tuition and board. Sweet sweet sweet!!! We're talking good schools here, not just crap holes. I'm going for it! I just gotta figure out where :\
I leave for Japan in 2 weeks. I am not sure who my host family is yet, but I did get the course schedule and HOLY SHIT! It's going to so jam packed I won't be able to breathe. I am so excited though!!! Reina and Jun promised to show me around and that we can get totally shit-faced at a bar in Chiba (drinking age is 20!!) So, haha, yeah, it'll be great! We're going to karaoke bars for Reina's 22nd birthday! Wooohoo!! Expect lots of pictures!
I hope everybody's doing well. I've been really ultra-mega-busy, so forgive me for not keeping up with this or really keeping tabs on people in general. College is wacky! What can I say?
Everything rules right now.
I have great friends and a great set-up.
My life is going swell!!!
The Ben Gibbard/David Bazan concert was H-O-T.
I am pretty sure I am getting a tattoo in Japan.
How are things with you?
I love you all.