Dirty tricks in Nevada. Apparently, according to the Clinton campaign,
it's not illegal unless they tell you so. And even then...guess
it depends on what the definition of "is" is.
So, after conversations with a couple of dems and a conservative-leaning independent, I've been trying to put my finger on exactly what bugs me about Senator Clinton. What is it that would make me consider voting for a Republican? On most issues, my politics tilt far-left - like, Kucinich-left. I think it comes down to this: I believe that she will say or do anything to get into power. She may want power for lots of good reasons. I may even agree with a lot of the things she would do if she were president. But I don't trust her. As much as she and Bush may hate each other, I think both of them share a belief that they somehow have a superior knowledge of what is right, and that achieving their goals can justify any means. Bush seems to think he's God's anointed. Clinton doesn't have the theocratic element, but somehow the underlying attitude strikes me as similar.
I believe a president should be able to give thoughtful consideration to the idea that s/he might be wrong. And I believe that s/he should have some kind of moral compass, a line that s/he will not cross. I understand that politicians have to be fighters a lot of the time, but I don't want a president who gets so caught up in the fight that winning becomes the only thing that matters, without regard to the greater good.
So that is why, even though politically I agree with Hillary's policies a lot more than any of the Republicans, I might have to pick McCain over her.