Jun 20, 2009 16:04
Caps from CM Punk's latest TitanTron.
Largeish file (205.89 mb), ridiculous amount of caps (1,200+), and even has the video (.mp4, but VLC will take care of that) in it.
Comment if you take, por favor? Credit is not necessary, but comments are my crack (and since I have to close tonight, I'll need a large fix T.T)
Sorry that it's only MegaUpload. I'll try another one later, probably, since I'm not sure how much MegaUpload actually likes me... and my power cut out halfway through the first round of uploads. Damn thunderstorms.
Replace the hxxp with http, and you'll have your caps XD
MegaUpload: hxxp://www.megaupload.com/?d=WBE9ZZMA
IF THE DOWNLOAD DOES NOT WORK, LET ME KNOW ASAP and I'll get a replacement up there. Thunderstorms have caused my connection to suck today.
superstar!cm punk,