shells, wiis, sleeping dreams, and frankenstein creations

Jan 23, 2007 16:23

The laptop is dead. It has been sent to the manufacturer under warranty. 4-6 weeks until i see it returned. The parts for Typeybox MkII should arrive from newegg by thursday. I am excited to start the build. Cry out "It's alive" to the stormy skies. I am posting this from my Wii. It's internet browser has allowed me to place my newegg order, watch group b rally videos, and gather any information that I need.
Still, after all this I dream of the same things... finger dug deep into my chest.
Ghosts from the past crawl up in hermit crab shells. They peak out, draw blood then retreat. What are they looking for? I have nothing left to offer. Overrated.
My lease is up at the end of Feb, I am looking for another apartment.
The only thing that is really bothering me about my current lack of a computer, is the lack of my digital drawing tools. Two stories are forming. One old and longer, the other new and short (perhaps a bit heavy handed as well). I am still learning what I want to say with the long story. Reminders...
Hair is returning. Should get a haircut so that it can be properly sizes/shaped/whatever.
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