Jan 18, 2006 05:16
OK i current;y have 10 days left in the NAG ( North Araban Gulf) then i am heading to Bahrain to run our PRT which shoul dbe canceld on the account that we have been to sea for 2 months and everyone is pretty much fat and out of shape now. It also doens't help that i am forced to pick between sleep and working out... hmmm.... thats a hard one, but i chose sleep. I'd rather be conciouse when i am drving the $40 million ship thank you. When I get to Bahrain i am going to be making some much needed phone calls, i leave civilization for a month and everything goes to shit. My division is supposed to ebe going into 6 watch sections giving me about 28 hours between watches insted of like 9, but they key word in that sentence is supposed to. But if that happens i should fall back into my MED mode, Reading eating sleeping and working out. Which should leave some time for recreation, so i am going to be looking getting a laptop. I think i turned into a beef jerkyholic, that seems to be all that i eat now, there is very little on the mess decks that they serve that one could call food. So i buy all my food that i can. there are times that they just might make soemthing good, like a whole plate of mashed potatos, which are surprisingly good for ship board food, then there is the pizza whcih if combat systems makes tastes like something that we ran over. My God I though that our water was polluted i was wrong, you should see the water out here, It's full of oil and fuel and CHT, and other shit that is pumped into the water. For example we toss our trash over the side here, and what makes it better is that we make out pottable water from the water here. NASTY. *note do not drink ship board water/ take HOTT showers and use lots of soap. Sundays are still the best day here, sleep all day and just wake up for your watch. what more could you ask for, oh wait food would be nice, and maybe 6 sections. Its wednesday so that means we have divisional training, yay! and i have the Rev watch so i have berthing cleaners, yay yay! massive sweeping today. That seems to be all that i am good for, sweeping. we dont really do much else, well we do stand wathc, and drop the RHIB and random other things, but since we are deck we need to be canstatly working regardless if the works is done, if the work is done it just means you did it wrong and you need to do it again. Our Chief has stopped comeing up to check on how well we sweeped the decks of a deployed warship, and just says you missed the whole port/starboard side do it again. IT is pretty sad, or he would say hey its 1300 do do sweepers, and thats it. 4hours laters and 7 others things ago we are eating dinner, and heading back to work. Like the time in Bahrain all we had to do was muster and sweep for the last day there. We ended up mustering sweeping, swobing, spounging the slipdecks, then doing bright work on all the fire stations. Then told the the boat decks looked like ass, so we had to sweep the whole ship again. Then we had to muster on the missle deck, and wait abotu 1 1/2 hour till he came back to give us a 30 min speach on how we should just stay on the base. Then let us go at 1200, instead of 0800. but that was expected, we almost had to work the whole day cuz some other division was still painting and when there is painting to be done no matter whos space it is we still need to help, but the CO said no fuck that your division worked the longest and hardest, they were first out in the morning and last in night. So he let us go then gave out Chief a pieace of his mind becuase he made us work for half the day.
I have come to the conclusion that Chief Bangs enjoys makeing us work he would make a great RDC. We get inspected every morning for shinned boots and a clean shave. and if we look like ass we get a counsiling chit, what a load of crap. for the amount of dirty work we do in a day we should look like shit. But he says if he can stay clean then we all should, of course he doens't do a damn thing, except be a safty observer on the flight deck. anyway I am still on watch and i need to relive the aft look out so i can go freeze again
fuck this