Just Remember..."Grandpa's Famous Saying"...paltalkgal9November 16 2005, 14:53:12 UTC
In case you are out of touch with the real-world, George Clooney is starring in a new movie titled "Syriana"...It looks really good and I am planning to see it this Friday. Besides the "catchy" title and the actor in the movie, what first grabbed my attention in the coming attractions was that the story line characterizes Saudi Arabia's King Fahad (maybe Abdullah, depending on the dateline). It also contains segments about "the War", and focuses upon "oil-wells" and blowing up stuff!!! It's going to be difficult for me to keep in mind that it is "Just A Movie"! Especially with you on your way to "that part of the world"...! The media and Hollywood have a strange way of spoon-feeding our current affairs to us these days...Cover up this, Uncover that...tell the truth here, but lie about it there! What surprises me is how much America pays more attention to story lines in fictional movies on the big silver screen, where the famous lead actor holds our fascination tightly, while most people sleep through the factual tidbits we get privileged to as an after-diner treat via CNN. Whether the movies are loosely based upon fact, or totally off-base from the real-world, we get a stronger impression of this planet from the imaginations of film-writers, more so than from the embedded journalists who cover our world events as they unfold! After we finish our popcorn and the lights come up, we are forced back into our elusive pathetic lives, leaving the theater of darkness into the daylight, we re-enter our daily lives putting our sunglasses on over our eyes like blinders! Remember it was just only a movie...right? So what can be said for the nightly evening news broadcasts? Should it just be considered prime-time entertainment, or take it for its face value and heed to its warnings of the eventual Revelations? Why do movies have a stronger impact upon our lives, than the actual events that have us rounding around in circles for our very lives? Who will be believed first when the sky actually falls down upon us from Heaven...the news anchor or the ultra rich celebrity? UMMM...A very good question...right? Well...just remember where the truth comes from these days...and how "Grandpa" from "Thunderheart" always says, "Never trust Mr. Magoo"...or the FBI...or even President Bush for that matter. Poor William Wallace couldn't have suffered more greatly for "his Freedom"...A prime example of what we are forced to remember, when we gather our history from movie manuscripts instead of paying closer attention to CNN news! P.S. I'll let you know what I thought of Clooney's new movie, once I have seen it!
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