Dec 18, 2004 22:00
ever prepare for the worse case down the the very last detail. and anticipate everything that possible that could go wrong. Even gose are far as to act out all the different outcomes to your self, then you think you are set. Everything is done and nothing can take you by surprise. And then it hits you, write befor you walk into the door, oh my god i forgot to think of this one thing. What if this happens what if this is said. I didn't prepare for this. But then you ease your mind, heck! what are the chances of this one thing; the very same anomaly that you failed to anticeipate happens. Can't be that high considering, besides you are well prepared. You got this down you know exactly what is going to happen, what to say and everything. Or do you? Thats when it goes down. That very same thing happens, and you are cought off guard. Your mind thrashes about looking for anything to say. Anything, nothing can make this any worse then it already is. Anywords are better then no words at all. And then BOINK! there it is wrong again, you managed to find the one thing to say that will indeed make the situation that much more unpleasent. Congradulations, you have just been a victom of the "Chaos Theory".
Dont feel bad it happens to everyone, the universe dictates what choices are placed befor us, you know action reaction. Every chioce wwe make then dictates what path or paths that will be set befor us next. Much like the you boy in his little red wagon going down the hill. He comes to a for in the path. Left or right. He has done this many time. To the left is a bunpy road, but has a steeper inclince making for a faster ride. to the right a less bumpy road with nearly the same incline. This time he goes right. By going to the right he is now faced with a new option there is a small tunnel comeing up to his left and a continuation of the same path to the right, he again goes to the right. This is where he comes to the end of his ride, but not with out one more path to take. Again to the left is a bumpy road to the right a sharp turn. He ops. for the left this time. He now faces two last choices either to jump of wagon or to hold on and plunge into the river. I'm hot so i am holding on. But my point is that if he whent to the left at the very first turn he would not, or should i say may not have ended up in the river wet. I say may simply because we can not see the future and can not control our own fate. We are just a you boy in a red wagon riding the hill of life, taking each path as they come not knowing what lies ahead. Being able to make those choices only gives us the sense of secrity that the universe wants us to think we have. It have a sense of humor and a twisted one at that.