Here we are again

Dec 20, 2016 18:22

Two years. Two years since I've posted and it has taken a huge surge from LJ users that are suddenly reconnecting through Facebook. Over 3,000 of us in 3 days or less. I must say, there's a definite way we write and speak to and with each other and the stories of how LJ effected their lives have been astoundingly brilliant. It isn't like LJ went away. We just got so involved with Facebook, we've not been this way in ages. If you hear the sound of rusty writing wheels churning in brains it would be us.

Since 2014 the posting layout has totally changed and what the heck is a Sticky? How do I do LJ Cuts again? Rules to join a Community are forgotten. The most important art of LJ that we will all have to hone our skills for again is the ever important "Subject" line. There's an art to writing a Subject line that makes sense and will capture the attention of those we'd like to have read and respond to our posts. After that there's going to be a lot of FAQ checking to get the wheels to churn.

Ah a Sticky is a pinned post. Gotta love the FAQ's, which were the best ever on social media and still are. Finding how to do something on FB is a nightmare of non-information. :(  Now, to figure out if I have a locked down Friend's Only account or not. 
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