Happy birthday crystalchain+16 unknown truths about me

Dec 28, 2008 19:51

Happy Birthday,crystalchain !!!
I hope you had a great day,honey!!!*kisses&hugs*

And now...meme!!!Another one!XDI got tagged by babycin to list 16 random things about myself that you don't know...

1-I have two little sisters
2-I love candies
3-I know by heart all lyrics of Jesus Christ Superstar
4-I get drunk for the first time whem I was 18 years old
5-I have driving licence,but I don't drive
6-I hate Christmas -.-
7-I have met my prince charming when I was 12 years old,but we aren't a couple
8-I cry every time I see Boromir's death
9-I love irish cemeteries
10-When I'm tired,I'm very very grumpy
11-I'm touchy
12-I like to see movies alone
13-I love black cats
14-I have broken both my ankles three times
15-I'm a coffee-addicted
16-I like my eyes and my hands

presents, birthday, meme, friends

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