Jul 25, 2014 14:06
its rough in la. i was walking back from tommys burgers with a triple chili cheese burger all excited and happy about life when i saw this homeless lady walking around panhandling. she was barefoot and didn't seem to care. i felt so guilty. here i am about to eat a triple chili cheeseburger and she doesn't even have shoes. i felt so bad i went up to her and offered to buy her some shoes. "hey, can i buy you a pair of shoes?". she looked up at me and took a beat and said, "naw I'm straight.." wow. WOW. How fucked up is your neighborhood when even your hobos have street cred to keep up. "nah man I'm not going over there thats no shoes corner. I'm not trying to fuck with no shoes". so i ended giving the shoes to another hobo. he smoked them. all in all a good day.
im not catholic but i like the catholics. i can relate kinda. my god tells me not to wear a condom too. their god is more of a guilt and prayer god. my god is more of a weed and candy god. some gods tell people to kill people. my god tells me to upsize my combo meals. my god is more interested in a good time than documenting sins.