Jan 11, 2009 21:34
((Backdated liek woah to New Year's Eve))
- Assorted Chinese fireworks, circa late 20th, early 21st century, enough to fill a cardboard box 15 inches by 15 inches by 30 inches... and they'd better come in the damn box, thank you!
- Sake, futsu-shu, 1 liter, heated to 80 degrees Celsius, quantity: 1 bottle
- Porcelain choko, quantity: 2
- Porcelain tokkuri, quantity: 1
- Daifukumochi stuffed with anko, quantity: 12
- Insulated beverage "cooler" bag, nylon, 15 inches by 9 inches by 9 inches, zip-top, quantity: 1
Deliver to Sor-Dyo.
[cowboy bebop] faye valentine