(OOC: This post covers all three of my pups. Hope I didn't miss anybody. Said gifts will arrive at each recipients' rooms on Christmas Eve. Enjoy!)
Tony Stark- a workshop visor with adjustable magnification, and this
book Master Chief- a red Rambo-style bandanna and a biography of WW2 hero
Audie Murphy Kelly- a blue Rambo-style bandanna and tales of famous women soldiers throughout Terran history
^Dor-Dyo also gets a
rum cake, possibly with the rum toned down
AU Duo Maxwell- a black trenchcoat; his card reads: "I owe you one."
Yuriy Ivanov- a book on modern Russian heroism, in Russian
The Arbiter- a scale model of this
Hummer Soma Cruz- a white top hat, a pearly white cane, and a ketchup dispenser in the shape of Bela Lugosi's Dracula; the ketchup pours out of his exposed fangs
Faye Valentine- a dozen brownies; inside are a pair of ear plugs
Urd- a replica of
Alexander Graham Bell's very first telephone Ssilissa- an
1860's US Cavalry saber and a half-dozen packets of gourmet capuccino mix
Alema Rar- silver dancing slippers and a violet veil
Sylvanas Windrunner- a whistle and a
Dragonskin vest woven in the shape of what she typically wears beneath her cloak
Melaka Fray- A scarlet hairpin, an aerosol canister of Mace... and a snug pillow half her height decorated with tiger cubs running around.
Sheifa Kane Nox- a bottle of Chinese lilac perfume, a rapier much like his own, and formal ladies' wear in whatever style Sheifa happens to like
Albel Nox- a bottle of French cologne, a protective gauntlet for his off-hand, and formal gents' wear in whatever style Albel happens to like
^ This couple also gets 3
bagua; one for the door and two for the windows
AU Quatre Winner- a golden fish-shaped good luck charm native to the Berber people, can be worn as a bracelet
Ton Phanan- a book on jokes even a non-Terran would find hilarious
Alucard von Mosquiton-
a crystal wineglass; beautiful to look at and listen to when pouring liquids into it, but very delicate
Alice Liddell-
a Gurkha knife Tony Stark- a pre-assembled
bicycle* and a dozen chocolate chip cookies
Tim Drake-
knuckle dusters and a dozen gingerbread men
fluffy bunny slippers and a dozen carrot cupcakes
*this has been mod-approved