Computer problems

Dec 01, 2008 11:20

Hello everyone. To be succinct, my laptop caught a virus and and has become nonfunctional during the last week of the quarter. I hope to get it working again tomorrow or the day after, but then I'll have to reinstall my software and...yeah. Might take as long as a week if I have to take it in. I'm writing from my significant other's computer right now. The same significant other spent all last evening trying various methods to fix my poor laptop. She will try one last option tonight. Send her some good vibes. <3

This effects OU Sylvanas. To those I am threading with: be patient. I'll try to be online again ASAP. Until I come back, the Banshee Queen will be sitting on her bed, back to the wall, head and arm resting on her knee as though asleep. Let's hope she doesn't wind up with a pattern imprinted on her forehead from her bracers. ~_^

hiatus note

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