Characters: OU: Remus Lupin, OPEN
Where: All over~! Pick a location and put it in the subject line.
When: Night time, during a full moon
Summary: Lupin's experiencing his first transformation in Econtra and is caught completely by surprise...therefore, he rampages around the compound searching for people to rip into.
Warnings: Cuffing, a very angry and distraught werewolf.
Other: New thread --> New Character, unless you wanna ninja on another?
Remus had been sleeping in his dormitory when the transformation began. He hadn't even had time to inform James and Sirius of what had happened, caught completely by surprise. He knew it would happen eventually...he didn't know the lunar cycles here, after all. The only thing Remus was expecting was a bit of a warning...because he hadn't gotten that, he was now running loose like a circus animal, completely unaware of himself. A primal instinct had taken over, and it seemed nobody would be safe now.
The werewolf snarled, staring down the streets with yellow eyes. He wouldn't leave a corner of Econtra unchecked for a victim, anything remotely human was fair game. Even the animals, perhaps...he hadn't bitten anything in quite some time.