[Thread] Strange Vigil

Apr 09, 2008 00:18

Characters: AU!Kir, AU!Sherry, OPEN
Where: The clinic
When: After this thread, same time as this post.
Summary: Aligoté waits for someone to help Sherry and make sure she'll be all right.
Warnings: Snark, once Sherry wakes up.

He knew it wouldn't change anything, but that didn't stop Aligoté from blaming himself for Sherry's situation. Even though he wasn't directly responsible, he felt that he should have done more. He hadn't heard from her or spoken to Sherry since the ash storm had started. She had said he'd be useless if he went out in it, trying to make sure people were okay. Perhaps she'd been right... he felt useless right now.

Although they'd gotten the bleeding mostly stopped, the long gash running from her left shoulder blade, down across her back and then around to her left hind leg was still serious. It needed to be cleaned and properly bound, and he only hoped that someone would answer his call for a doctor.

location: clinic

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