- [Log] Comparing Governments over Food

Feb 29, 2008 23:52

Characters: OU!Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, AU!Hilde Schbeiker
Where: Mess Hall
When: Before Angel’s soul was taken out of his body.
Summary: Just two random people meeting over ‘food’
Warnings: None

Hilde had long since finished her meal, and had long since quelled urges to get up and leave, but the constant threat of Sirius being in her dorm?  Not entirely her best bet for piece and quiet.  She'd rather be with the guys, or perhaps introduce herself to Relena, despite her obvious Heero-like qualities.  Instead, she leaned her chin against her palm, picking at the left over grape twigs, watching people come and go as she doodled and mused in a notebook.  Nothing more she could think to do.

The food in the mess hall vaguely reminded Wes of what he would have found in the cafeteria back at the Watcher's Academy:  bland and unappealing. Still, he had to eat something. Most of the tables were full of people who seemed more than comfortable with their own cliques, which also reminded him of school. When he spotted one young lady sitting alone, her meal finished, he walked over and asked, "Do you mind if I sit here? It seems that most of the tables are full."

Hilde looked up, her eyes widened in a short-lived expression of surprise.  She nodded quickly and straightened her area, moving her tray away slightly; call it OCD, or something.  "Sure. It's busy this time of day."  Food was there all day, the fridge was stalked biweekly or more, it seemed, but for quick dining.

She looked up to him, her eyes giving him a once over, his eyes, nose, chin, body.  She paused, pulling hair away from her eyes and returning to her former posture and position.  "I'm Hilde." She said.

"Thank you," he said, sitting down across the table from her. "I'm Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. I'm actually still new here, or I guess newer than most of the others." To his understanding, everyone here was 'new' to this place. It seemed that no one was actually from this place, as far as he could tell.

"I've only been here a few weeks, actually... I know a couple of people here, the Gundam Pilots, Lieutenant Noin...” she mused, well, he probably had no idea WHO she was talking about.  She paused, folding her arms across her chest against the table.

She felt comfortable in the safety net that was Duo's company, but she had to question now, why here confidence was so draining?  Could it have been the realization of the past week?  Everyone transformed into various creatures, animals, ages, there was magic. She thought magic was a minor inconvenience, and she thought she could handle it, but after this last week, the wool pulled out from under her eyes... she found herself weary, and Wesley's unfamiliar presence made her uncomfortable.

Wesley listened to her start, and then wondered why she stopped talking. He didn't have a clue about what she was talking about but he was sure, if he talked about his life, she'd probably be just as confused. They probably came from completely different worlds. It made him curious to learn about her, and other people's, life, but he didn't want to pry. "I really only know one person here, Angel. I worked with him back where I'm from."

"Heard of him..." Hilde replied, Duo, the short haired version briefly mentioned him being a lurk, and nothing more, and she never perused an explanation.  So, on her own assumptions, she could only guess that lurk meant stalker.  "What... what do you do? In your world, I mean?"

"I'm a detective." It wasn't a lie, but he didn't want to mention that he worked on supernatural cases. Not until he got to know her a little better. He knew in the back of his head that everyone here had to know about the supernatural, considering, but it was more habit than anything was at this point. "I run a detective agency."

"And Angel works for you?  What does he do?" Now, the term 'lurk'? Coming from Duo?  That made a little more sense; stealth was Duo's thing, after all.

It was hard to explain what Angel did. "He is one of the detectives who goes out and gathers information." Ever since becoming boss, he had been staying in more often, doing more paperwork and less actual dealing with people.

"That makes sense...” Hilde nodded, that was what she thought, after all.  Then the obvious question, think fast, Wes... "What kind of cases?  Do you work for a precinct?" She asked, returning her palm to her chin, leaning against it contemplatively.

"They're cases that police officers aren't usually as 'equipped' to work on. Where we're from, you can get a license to work on cases, but not actually have to be a cop."

Hilde nodded, "Our world... you could call it, or could have called it a police state. The military took care of everything." She replied, scratching her chin once as she continued, "the main military power is called OZ, I'm a captain."  So young too! “Well, I was a captain."

Wesley smiled at her. "That's a very impressive accomplishment, to be a captain." She looked so young! However, if her world was a police state, then maybe her being a captain made more sense. "You still are a captain, even if you're in this place. It doesn't really change who you are."

"Being here changes everything.  We were at the brink of a political and sociological revolution." She couldn't help the ones she cared about, or her cause, while here, and while here, she was under constant mystical/spiritual threat onto which she was ill prepared.

Wesley nodded, understanding the feeling of a little of not being in the place where you felt that you were supposed to be at. "You're home was going through a lot of changes. You wish that you could be there for it, to help out?"

Hilde nodded, her face deadpan, that was what she said, wasn't it?  She sighed, closing her eyes.  "I can't imagine how it's going now... if the treaty expires it's all out war... I shouldn't dwell on it... I've seen enough vid-disks to know that time travel is insane enough to put us right back where we started from."

"It's so strange to think about time-travel. I didn't actually believe it was possible." Fred had tried to explain it to him once, but he had terrible problems following anything that she said, pretty much ever. Being alone for five years had caused her to be practically unable to talk to anyone rationally.

“Me either... But I live in a space colony... I suppose that's something out of a comic book to some people, just like, you know. Angels and demons just in the bible are for others." She didn't read the bible, she was raised Christian, Lutheran, but she was pretty open minded.  That and she had no time to be methodically obsessed with the afterlife while other people, the world, and everything were at stake.

"You live in a space colony?" He couldn't help but feel a little impressed by that as well. He was a little more acquainted with demons (and a man named Angel) than he really was with anything to do with space. This place really was full of interesting people. "Another thing I didn't believe would happen for centuries, at least on my world."

"What year is it?  It's AC 197... After Colony Calendar... I... I'm not good with history but i thin it started around AD 2300s or 2200s.. ." she supplied, it was kind of interesting, and now it was his turn again... When was he from?

"It's AD 2001 where I'm from," he said, trying to keep the amazed look off of his face. Meeting vampires and demons was an everyday occurrence, but meeting someone who was from the future (at least a possible one) and lived on a space colony was far more interesting to him now.

Hilde smiled a little... "That's... along time ago.  I don't think it's a whole lot different... except for politics." BIG difference there.

"It does sound different. We don't have anything similar to what you have where...err...when I'm from." He started to pick at his food a little, but it wasn't very appetizing to him. "Our politics are quite different." Although something could be said for military states. They usually got things done; however, there human rights fell to the wayside.

"Capitalism." Hilde mused.  "For better or worse."

"A little bit of both at times," he said, taking a sip of his drink instead of eating the food in front of him. "It has its good and bad points, just like any other system of government."

"Yeah... my grandparents used to say that most governments are better suited as ideals, rather then actually being instated."  She shrugged a little, now idly picking apart the dried grape twigs.

"You're grandparents may actually have had a point." Wesley tried to take a bite of his food, but ended up pushing it away after a few bites. "I think I may end up cooking a lot of my food."

Hilde gave a soft bemused smile, watching his face twist like that.  "I think that's a good idea... the fresh fruit and salads aren't bad though."

"There's not much one can do to mess up salad and fruit." Luckily, he had thought to pick up an apple as well. He picked it up and took a bite. After he swallowed it, he said, "This reminds me of the food my school used to serve."

"Sir, this reminds everyone of the food their schools used to serve.  Only this time, the grade of meat is undeterminable."

"That's true. This whole place kind of reminds me of school, though. I went to a boarding school growing up, so the dormitories make me think of it as well." As did the preparing for a war, although a quite different one.

"Kind of one of those, 'no rest for the wicked' things, right?" Hilde smiled a little, she was more or less interested, and it was a lot better then being alone.

He smiled back. "Yes, it kind of is." He took another bite of his apple.


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