[Thread] Suddenly I See

Feb 14, 2008 19:59

Characters: Pharaun, Mercury [PGSM]
Where: Ast-Pente
When: During the V-Day Plot, after Mercury's been pie'd
Summary: Merc's been pie'd and has a crush on Pharaun. Pharaun isn't sure how do deal with this, but may just take advantage...
Warnings: Lovestruck!Merc and Pharaun, who's probably going to be alternately confused and devious

Pharaun wasn't exactly sure how he'd ended cleaning his room, but his roommate clearly wasn't going to do it. Apart from anything else, they never seemed to be in at the same time, so he wasn't quite sure which of the other residents of Ast-Pente actually shared his bedroom.

He wasn't honestly making much progress. Pharaun himself wasn't the tidiest person in the world; he kept things neat enough that he could find them when he needed them and made sure his clothes weren't in too terrible a state, and that was about it. His roommate didn't seem to be much better.

The drow refused to admit that his own reluctance to clean had anything to do with it.

Today was apparently a holiday named after some saint. Something to do with love, or possibly just food and jewelry. He'd sent a few people things, but he wasn't trying too hard to involve himself, the pendant he'd sent to Mercury notwithstanding. It had been a foolish gesture anyway; it made him seem desperate. Which he was, but that was another thing he wouldn't admit to.

[forgotten realms] pharaun mizzrym, [pgsm] tsukino usagi, [pgsm] mizuno ami/mercury, [pgsm] kunzite

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