[Thread] Acting Leader

Mar 15, 2009 01:05

Characters: OU!Krad, OPEN to all.
When: Phase 3, after this.
Where: The Church
Summary: Krad is organizing the troops.
Warnings: None?

Krad had made the announcement. Now it was time to wait to see who would show. Hopefully people would take heed. They had to act fast to make sure they were prepared for the attack. Which Krad wasn't sure if people were.

He always hung back and as such, he knew things. Such as responses to being called together could sometimes be ignored. He hoped in this mass confusion, this was not the case.

At least he knew the one with his own abilities. Of course he could not teach the boy everything, but enough to defend himself and be prepared was a step in the right direction. He may even know whose abilities they had. Perhaps they could help with the calling together if his own was ignored.

[avatar] azula, location: church / cemetery, [warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [d.n.angel] krad, [yuugiou] yami no yuugi

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