[Thread] I keep my head uptight, I make my plans at night

Feb 28, 2009 18:20

Characters: OU!Shadow, OU!Rouge
Where: Mui-Enas
When: Late night
Summary: Rouge is up unusually late, and Shadow wants to know why that is.
Warnings: None?

Another day spent wasted, waiting for something that may never happen. Oh, sure, he'd get out of here eventually somehow. Shadow kept telling himself that, and did his best to believe it, because he refused to give in and accept he would spend the rest of forever here. Or if not forever, then a standard lifetime, at least. Someday, surely, he would find a way out, but it would be nice if it happened soon. Soon enough, anyway, for Rouge to enjoy freedom again, for Tohru to get back home to those she cared about.

These days, much of the restlessness that had plagued him not long before had faded. The Warden's second Consulo was cause for guarded optimism. It represented his best chance yet of leaving here, and he frequently kept an eye on that region of the compound, in case some idiot decided they wanted to destroy it, or attempt to commandeer it for themselves. It was probable that both were impossible, at least for now, but he had been genuine when he'd told the Warden he would protect it.

Of course, that didn't mean he was going to sit there all day and stare at it. He wasn't some simple-minded echidna; he did have other things to do on occasion. Like run laps around the interior of the wall some more. Yeah. It was thrilling beyond all reason. And now and then, he returned to his apartment as well, like he was doing now. It was like the entire day was simply an extension of pacing back and forth. Bored. Waiting. Always.

Shadow walked down the hallway of the building, enjoying the quiet of the late hour. It was dark, and cold, and still. Not completely silent, as he wasn't the only one awake - the creaking of footsteps on the old floorboards somewhere up above gave testimony to that. But with nearly half the people in the compound as there had been at this time last year, the quiet was remarkable.

Upon pushing open the door to Mui-Enas, however, he found he wasn't as alone there as he'd expected to be. A lone lamp was on in the corner, and at the table in the low light was Rouge, appearing lost in thought. Strange, for this time of night. Bat though she might be, she wasn't actually nocturnal.

The door closed quietly behind him with a click, and his hand slipped from the knob to his side as he walked toward her.

"You're up late," he stated, curious as to why.

[sonic:sega] shadow, [sonic:sega] rouge the bat

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