[Thread] The Strength of a Slave

Feb 14, 2009 17:41

Characters: AU!Johan Andersen, OU!Saioh Takuma, OU!Siegfried von Shroider, AU!Kaiba Seto, OU!Tenjoin Fubuki, AU!Yuki Judai, OPEN to everyone who'd like to spectate.
Where: The park
When: Forward dated to Sunday, midafternoon.
Summary: Johan has had enough of AU!Judai's insulting his status as a duelist. So, he's going to prove himself once and ( Read more... )

[yuugiou gx] saioh takuma, [yuugiou gx] manjoume jun, [yuugiou gx] tenjoin asuka, *open, [yuugiou gx] johan anderson, [yuugiou gx] tenjoin fubuki, [yuugiou] kaiba seto, [digimon] gabumon, [yuugiou] bakura ryou, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider, [yuugiou] otogi ryuuji

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yesiamkaiba February 18 2009, 19:49:49 UTC
Kaiba stood off to the side, watching the spectacle that was the first two duels. Johan was good. She had to admit that. She didn't know who his first opponent was, but he put up a good fight. She knew that she wouldn't forget this duel for a while.

Now she just had to wait for her turn and see what he could do against three Blue Eyes.


eightgemmaster February 22 2009, 05:21:13 UTC
Johan took another break after Siegfried, and when he was ready, once more stepped out onto the dueling field. He could hardly believe what was going to happen now. A duel against Kaiba Seto.

He spied her right away. Then he took another look. Yes. Her. She was female. Well, that wasn't quite what he was expecting. But, as he'd said...if she had the strength and the deck, what else mattered?

"Kaiba Seto?" he asked politely.


yesiamkaiba February 22 2009, 05:23:49 UTC
She nodded, looking over at him. He had an interesting outfit to duel in, but she didn't make a remark. Who was she to talk when she still wore the usual coat that she had started Battle City in?

"You must be Johan Anderson. You have an interesting deck."


eightgemmaster February 22 2009, 05:42:05 UTC
He nodded some, grinning. "The Gem Beasts are special." It was only the truth, after all. He brushed a bit of sweaty hair out of his eyes and drew in a breath. "I'm ready whenever you are."


yesiamkaiba February 22 2009, 05:46:01 UTC
She nodded again, activating her duel disk and slipping her deck where it belonged. "Then lets duel." Always direct and to the point.


eightgemmaster February 22 2009, 05:49:51 UTC
Johan nodded; he'd already shuffled his deck before coming back onto the field. "You can have the first turn," he said as he drew his first five cards. It was Kaiba after all. Much better to be respectful.


yesiamkaiba February 28 2009, 02:24:09 UTC
She quickly drew her first hand and then her first card. She quickly scanned over the cards for a moment before forming a strategy in her mind. It was just the beginning strategy and would be changed throughout the duel.

"I will set one card face down on the field and then summon Aqua Madoor and then end my turn."


eightgemmaster February 28 2009, 02:29:14 UTC
Johan nodded, then drew his card for the turn. Aqua Madoor was a medium strength monster...and with what he had in his hand, he didn't have to worry too much about it for the moment.

"I summon Amethyst Cat! By halving her attack points, she can attack you directly! Go, Amethyst!" Johan pointed, grinning, waiting to see what his opponent would do.


yesiamkaiba February 28 2009, 02:30:37 UTC
"Activate trap! Negate Attack!" She smirked slightly, activating the card she had set.


eightgemmaster February 28 2009, 02:36:14 UTC
"All right." Johan was fine with that. It was just a way to test Kaiba's strength, after all. "I set one card face-down and play Gem Tree." The permanent spell card would help bring about Rainbow Dragon, and Johan was quite determined to play his ultimate monster in this duel. "Turn end."


yesiamkaiba February 28 2009, 02:53:29 UTC
Kaiba drew her next card and then looked out at the field. "I will summon La Jinn, Mystical Genie of the Lamp in attack mode and attack your Amythist Cat!"


eightgemmaster February 28 2009, 03:00:48 UTC
Johan winced a bit as Amethyst was sent to the Spell and Trap Zone. But he had already made plans for that. "I activate Gem Set!" His trap card flipped itself up and whirled around at his words. "I can set a monster from my deck in the Spell and Trap Zone, and I don't take any damage from the monster that destroyed Amethyst."

He grinned some, then gestured towards Gem Tree. "And because I now have two Gem Beasts in my spell and trap zone, Gem Tree gets two Gem Counters!" On the small branches of the thin tree, a piece of amber and a piece of sapphire grew, marking the counters. For all intents and purposes, Johan was now four Gem Beasts towards summoning Rainbow Dragon.


yesiamkaiba February 28 2009, 03:04:17 UTC
"Next, Aqua Madoor! Attack his life points directly!" She had another monster out on the field to use as well.


eightgemmaster February 28 2009, 03:07:40 UTC
Johan skidded back a little at the wave of water that came from Aqua Madoor. Sure, holographic water, but Kaiba holographs were extraordinarily realistic. He was almost surprised his hair wasn't dripping.

That had lost him a thousand and two hundred life points...but he could handle it. He could feel Rainbow Dragon in the deck, ready to strike when the time came. And everyone else was there to help him. My family...


yesiamkaiba February 28 2009, 03:12:32 UTC
"I'll end my turn there." She said, glancing at her cards for a moment.


eightgemmaster February 28 2009, 03:40:54 UTC
This was getting tenser than he thought most of the spectators might realize. He drew and nodded slightly. This could be good.

"I play Gem Guidance! Since I have two Gem Beasts in my Spell and Trap zone, I can Special Summon a Gem Beast from my deck, and I summon Cobalt Eagle!"

The beautiful bird cracked forth from the gem shell and spread his wings, crying out fiercely. But Johan had only begun his move.

"Oh, and because I used Gem Guidance, you get to draw a card," Johan recalled. He hoped she drew a good one. He wasn't even close to being ready for this duel to end. "I Normal Summon Topaz Tiger!" Now it was time for a bit of payback. "Topaz Tiger, attack La Jinn!"


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