[Thread] Fractured

Feb 04, 2009 22:24

Characters: Atlas/Frank Fontaine (AU), Gaz Membrane (OU)
Where: somewhere out of sight/any usual place to be (behind the buildings?)
When: way backdated; sometime after this post, later that night
Summary: Gaz finds Fontaine. Confrontation. (of a different sort.) Time to say "nighty nighty" Frankie...
Warnings: Probably, something... violent? Curse-iful? ...

Frank stood for a moment hidden deep in the shadows of a building in the backside of the compound, the Obex visible hazily in the not-too-distant distance. The moon hung heavily in the night sky, though mostly it was obscured as lazy drifts of misty clouds flowed by. He avoided its gaze.

His focus was mostly inward anyway. Not happening... can't be true... --I'm not going away. --Not even real... made him up... --Not giving up. --Was just a ruse... well played, totally convincing... --Not letting you hurt anyone anymore. I WILL STOP YOU. --SHUT UP! Just! Shut UP and go AWAY!

But no matter how hard he tried the whispering voice--that annoying Irish accent he created to sound friendly and inviting--wouldn't go away. It kept nagging at him. An insistent voice. Like a--a conscience.

He shuddered at the mere comparison.

With a huff, Fontaine moved away from the wall with a small, useless push with one hand and began to pace. Back and forth, outlining the wall next to him, the Bronx born-and-raised man seethed as he tried to think this through. How could it have become real? he wondered. Was his mind really that fractured...?

((Sorry for the uber-lateness! Just... distracted. Anyway...! I leave it up to you how she finds him and whatnot. Have at it. I'll try to post at least once a night until it's more or less finished. :3))

[bioshock] atlas/frank fontaine, [invader zim] gaz membrane

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