[Thread] Today is my birthday and I get one every year

Feb 01, 2009 19:35

Characters: OU!Melaka Fray, OU!Leon Kennedy
Where: Near the park
When: After this
Summary: A certain slayer finds out that a certain zombie-slaying cop has returned.
Warnings: Fluff. Oh, so much fluff.

Melaka believed herself to be a strong person. Quick-thinking and resourceful. But there was only so much a gal could take. After Willow had magicked Harth into being five years old, a good fraction of the slayer's stress had disappated. The whole 'burping, changing, feeding, be careful of what he'll put in his mouth' thing was over. But when she'd returned to Paj-Epta and seen the drawings Harth had made. Of their past, of the troubles they'd caused each other, an icy hand slid its way up her back and gripped her spine. After making sure that Harth was well-fed, she made some excuse that she was gonna go on a quick food run, and head to the restaurant. It was bullshit, of course. She'd much rather go for a long walk and get all kinds of cold. The slayer slid Leon's jacket back on and her fingerless gloves. She'd also gone to her room and grabbed her red blaster, just in case she ran into the Joker during her walk.

Melaka told Harth she'd be back later and for Gun to watch out for the runt before she exited the apartment, making her way down the stairs slowly, trying to will away the oogy feelings that flooded her. Exiting the building, Melaka stopped just outside the door as the wind tossed her hair. The slayer grunted softly and reached for the zipper of her jacket, sliding it up to about her sternum.

[buffy / angel] melaka fray, location: park, *complete, [resident evil] leon kennedy

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