[Thread] Up on the roof

Jan 30, 2009 15:11

Characters: AU!Atem, OU!Jing
Where: Up on the roof of Apartment building 2
When: Nighttime
Summary: Atem's brooding. Jing joins her
Warnings: None that I can think of! Possibly a teensy amount of angst

Atem sighed as she stared up at the moon, shivering a little despite the heavy coat she'd thrown on prior to her venture on to the roof. From up here, one could forget the recent carnage that'd been inflicted on this place, and she sighed, wincing as she shifted her sore arm. Her leg was on the mend, but the climb had taken its toll, and she hissed a little in pain, ears flattening against her skull before recovering. She hoped very much she wouldn't break it again on the way down. That wasn't a very pleasant thought, though, and she let her mind dwell on Jing, hoping he wouldn't be too long in coming. Knowing his current occupation, though, she reminded herself not to be so damn impatient.

Not that Jing was easier to think about. She was still in a tangle concerning him, but she knew one thing was for certain; they had to talk. And soon. It was past time they got this out in the open.

[king of bandits jing] jing, [yuugiou] yami no yuugi

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