Characters: AU Manjoume Jun, open to whoever
Where: the rooftop of Apartment Building 2
When: mid-afternoon
Summary: Though he's certainly not going to go out completely in the open right now, Manjoume needs some fresh air. Care to poke?
Warnings: Besides Manjoume's easily-irritated nature, it depends on who shows up.
all you can do is look downward. )
So, he left a note to let Juudai know where he was going to be, making certain to pin it down so it wouldn't fall under a table or anything, and headed upstairs. Ruby Carbuncle was on his shoulder, trilling softly now and then.
When he got up to the top, he saw someone else was already up there, someone wearing black. Johan thought he looked vaguely familiar, and figured he probably lived somewhere on the Paj floor, so he'd likely seen him there.
Johan wandered over to the edge and peered over carefully, trying not to bother the other young man. It did look to be a long way down.
A brief glance to the side told him that it wasn't anyone he actually knew, who had come to the roof. He thought he might have seen the other one around in the hallway or something, but that was the only connection he could make.
Because it was no one he knew, he decided not to say anything for the moment. If the other young man decided to say something, he would respond, but he wouldn't initiate.
He glanced again at the other, and decided it would be rude to not at least introduce himself. "Johan Andersen," he said after a moment, holding his hand out politely.
But since Johan was being polite and introducing himself, it would only be polite to respond in turn. "Manjoume Jun," he introduced himself, accepting the handshake.
"I think we come from worlds that are...similar. Probably not the same one, though." He reached into his pocket and drew out his deck, spreading it slightly to show what he meant.
"You're probably right," he replied, pulling out his own deck - the Armed Dragons of North School. "Another duelist then, huh? There are a lot of us, here, apparently."
It was kind of noteworthy, when thinking about it, that so many versions of people he knew lived on Paj - he, himself, hadn't had a particular reason why he had chosen to live where he did, but so many on one floor couldn't just be coincidence. Maybe it had to do with some of the things he'd heard, about some of the things that had happened before he'd been brought here, but he wasn't going to dwell on it too much.
"He won, but you did very well, enough so that you were knighted," Johan said. That was the truth, though not the full truth, of course. "If I remember right, you played a deck of Ojamas. You had him on the ropes at one point." There was the thrill of having seen an amazing duel clear in his voice, as well as pride in Juudai.
"Knighted, huh?" Though he tried not to show too much besides interest in the subject, he couldn't help glowing with pride for the alternate of his that he had never, and probably would never, meet. To have fared so well against Judai, even if it had ended in a loss...
Of course, this only mattered if the Judai from Johan's world wasn't a useless coward like the one from his own, but the longer he was here, the more he (subconsciously, and it would be fairly impossible to get him to actually admit it, but) began to accept the fact that maybe - just maybe - his was the exception, and it wasn't the other way around.
[What's this? Manjoume, using his smile icon? Gaspeth.]
And he still would. It had just been delayed.
He thought a little more; he wasn't sure if he could remember who Manjoume's owner (or sponsor, if that word was to be used) had been. He had a mental impression of white, but that didn't mean a great deal. It didn't make a great deal of difference, though.
"I get the feeling my world's way of being duelists is kind of rare, though."
"It probably is rare," was his reply, "but it sounds like it works for your world, at least. And if you've gotten as far as you have, I'm sure showing off enough skill for you to be knighted whenever you get home won't be hard."
The thought didn't even cross his mind to ask who the version of himself in that world's sponsor had been. It probably wasn't even anyone he himself had ever met, anyway, and made little difference, really.
A trill from Ruby Carbuncle caught his attention and he glanced over to see what she wanted.
What she said sent a slight frown across his face...and when she held her tail before his eyes so he looked at Manjoume through the gem...
Well. That was interesting.
"Something wrong?" he asked, figuring that it probably wouldn't be a horrible idea to at least know what was going on.
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