[Thread] Bubble bubble, toil and trouble

Jan 09, 2009 20:58

Characters: OU Harth Fray, AU Willow Rosenberg
Where:The library
When:After this
Summary:Harth hides out in the library to lick his wounds, and he finds the not so lucky witch Willow, who turns out to be the worst choice for prey.
Warnings:This will turn out very oddly. Possible violence and swearing.

Harth was beaten with an ugly stick, or Melaka's fist, really. It was only lucky he had managed to escape, alive, let alone at all. Death would be coming, now, if Melaka reported his being alive, or even the Boy. Fact is, Harth was screwed. It didn't really matter anyway, did it? He was wise enough to lay low, even if he had to do so in the sewers. He entered the dark school, wandering the hallway and entering a bathroom. He washes his face off until his bloody face looked some what, remotely decent. From there, he reached back into his mouth with two fingers, yanking out a molar that was knocked loose in the fight. He spit out the bit of blood which pooled at the wound, but it soon closed. Now, Harth knew he would not get access to a meal for a while, less he abucted the weary from the streets and dragged them down to the sewers, where their bodies would just rot, and they would still probably be found by Quatre, of course, and without his spell book he couldn't cast another glamor.

He was likewise spent. These attributed to his decision to find a meal to hold him over for a while. It was his luck that present it self when he realized, upon entering the library, that there was but one person in the room. The fresh scent, and the sound of the heartbeat filled him with some hope, and he zeroed in on it.

[buffy / angel] harth fray, [buffy / angel] willow rosenberg, *complete

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