[Thread] Fire in the hearth

Jan 09, 2009 19:19

Characters: OU Azula, OU Erk
Where: The Park
When: At Night
Summary: Azula has her first date, Erk meets an irrepressible woman.
Warnings: Hilarity.

After all, Azula had not actually participated in a date with any male ever. Her only practice had been with Kadaj, and that had only been something amusing, not particularly serious. What was she to do now? She had, after all, set this particular liaison up herself, thinking that she would be amused, but she found, through all the time spent, that she had been hiding something.

She DID like him.

It had been only a little longing of feeling, of course, but as time passed, she began to see that she had cared about him after all. It had only been something she thought was passing, but what could she say now that she was clearing a path so he would walk more easily without snow, and starting a nice fire already, the fire crackling and Azula moving her arms in a circular motion to keep it going?

What indeed?

[avatar] azula, [fire emblem] erk

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