[Thread] The Sharp and Pointy End

Jan 06, 2009 02:21

Characters: OU!Jing, OU!Zuko
Where: Park
When: Early morning
Summary: Two sword masters feel like getting in some practice... makes sense to spar together!
Warnings: Probably none?

There was hardly a breath of wind this morning, the trees not stirring an inch. Trees and buildings, every available surface was freshly frosted over, yet there was no new snow on the ground this morning as there had been many days. Jing hadn't seen anyone else out at this early hour on his way from the apartments to the park. He wouldn't have been awake either, given the choice, but he hadn't slept well in unfamiliar surroundings, away from Ast-Tessera.

The thief was filled with restless energy, built up over consecutive says of staring at the messengers for signs of... whatever he was supposed to be looking for. The tension couldn't be alleviated like that of the others on the communications. When they solved a new line of code or translated a new string of text, they were happy. To Jing, it meant nothing. It didn't feel as though he was accomplishing anything, and he grew easily frustrated with it.

So he supposed that was part of why he was here, although he sorely needed the practice -- to burn off some of that frustration. He hadn't had a regular sparring partner in so long, and he missed it. But for this morning, a random tree would have to do.

Jing unsheathed the blade from his right sleeve and, although he'd never been one much for proper form, went through a series of warm-up motions, the hard edge of the sword gleaming in the morning sun.

[avatar] zuko, [king of bandits jing] jing, location: park

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