Aliens and the Art of Seduction

Jan 01, 2009 23:00

Characters:OU!Arbiter, and OPEN anyone who wants to be molested by have "tea" with a less-than-lucid alien.
Where: Loh-Tria
When: After this.
Summary: Arby gulps down some love potion and starts putting the moves on anyone and everyone. Ladies, prep your mace.
Warnings: It depends on who pops into his field of view. If the past is any indication, violence and/or Pedobear seal of approval.

That tea was beyond amazing. It was phenominal. The Arbiter could hardly believe it. Colors seemed more colorful, smells were intoxicating, every little sound was like music. Oh, yes. He was in love. With who exactly, he wasn't sure. He hardly knew any women here and he almost refused to believe that a human was making him so... Happy. Or perhaps it wasn't a human. It certainly could be Sylvanas, with those piercing red eyes that could follow you everywhere and soft blue skin... Oh, by the Sacred Rings he should certainly not be thinking that. They roomed together and the whole idea was completely inappropriate and he realized that Leon would probably kill him if he so much as laid a hand on her. He needed to focus on someonething else and quickly. Whoever made this tea couldn't be anything less than divine...

Perhaps it was Ryoko. She had certainly caught his attention once before... Ah, but she was much too young for him to be thinking that way about her, despite the fact that she looked so innocent and delicate, like a perpetually-pure snowflake... Maybe, dare he even entertain the subject, it was Kelly. He couldn't help but admire her warrior spirit and bravery. Just like with Linda. He liked the fiesty, psychotic type as much as the average 8 foot reptilian alien. The only other woman that he had actually met on the compound was Dr. Halsey and he seriously doubted... Then again, she was very kind, nurturing, almost motherly... With a sigh he realized it could just as easily be her as any of the others.

The Arbiter was right back where he started. That is to say, alone with a bowl of tea sitting on the table in front of him. On second thought, with the way he was currently feeling, he'd be more than willing to take any woman. Much as he hated to admit it, he doubted any human would be able to get past his face and love him. For the first time in a long time, he thought a simple prayer, Forerunners, if you really are gods, bring me someone to love. Please. I shall try to stop using your names as a curse in return. If it actually worked, it would certainly be a miracle.

[warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [halo] the arbiter, [yuugiou] bakura ryou, *open

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