[Thread] My Heart's in Overdrive

Jan 01, 2009 00:45

Characters: AU!Lyle Norg, OU!Naoki Kashima
Where: Roof of Building One
When: Tonight, shortly before midnight
Summary: To both ring in the new year and to make up for becoming coma'd, Naoki's set up a surprise dinner for Lyle on the roof.
Warnings: Fluff.

He looked once again over the food clustered on the table, rather proud of how it all came out. Two bowls of soba simmered quietly beside the lacquer jubako boxes, each one filled with several layers of other foods, and a bottle of tea he'd found in the apartment had been split into two cups. In the center was one of his candelabra, unlit at the moment. Now that he had them back, he figured that he might as well put them to some use.

The night was mercifully quiet, cooled by a faint late-winter breeze that seemed to throw each pinpointed star above into sharp relief. It seemed he'd picked the right time to put his plan into action, and Naoki couldn't help but smile. Carefully, he leaned towards the candelabra and blew gently, a faint flicker of fire curling past his lips to light the wicks and cast a sphere of orange light around the little scene.

All he had to do now was wait for the best part to show up.

[nocturne] naoki kashima, [legion of superheroes] lyle norg

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