[Thread] Tea for two?

Dec 30, 2008 20:28

Characters: OU Pegasus Crawford, OU Siegfried von Schroider
When: During the potion plot
Where: Sor-Eksi
Summary: Just getting a little something to drink...
Warnings: Will quickly degenerate to fluff. And possibly other things. We shall see.

Pegasus was restless. A fair portion of the problem was that Siegfried was buried in one of his projects and didn't show any signs of wanting to be sociable. It was still too chilly for Pegasus to want to go outside, so instead, he prowled around the apartment, looking for things to get into. As he poked through the cabinets in the kitchen, he noticed a bottle that hadn't been there before, and wondered briefly where it had come from. One of his roommate's things, he expected. Probably Takion's, since Saetan seemed to have a restricted diet. Pegasus was inclined to leave it alone, since it wasn't his, but he was curious about it and it looked tasty. Reasoning that whatever it was, it would be easy enough to get another one, he opened it up and poured a bit in a teacup.

"Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission," he told himself, a motto that he had followed quite often in the past. He sampled the drink. It did not turn him into a toad, nor was he struck down by lightning - in fact, it was quite good. After a few more sips, it occurred to him that perhaps Siegfried would like a taste as well, so he poured the rest into a separate cup and went to deliver it to him.

[yuugiou] pegasus j crawford, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider

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