[Thread] Comforting the broken-hearted

Dec 30, 2008 19:40

Characters: AU!Atem, AU!Yamato, AU!Ryoko
Where: Mui-Epta
When: After Riza's disappearance
Summary: Yamato and Ryoko go over to Mui-Epta to comfort their mutual friend after the loss of her roommate
Warnings: Angst and sad!kitty
Notes: Posting order = Atem > Yamato > Ryoko

Pretend there's a witty cut text here ... )

[yuugiou] yami no yuugi, [yuugiou] bakura ryou, [digimon] ishida yamato, location: apartments

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dark_friendship December 30 2008, 08:59:16 UTC
Yamato hurried over to Mui-Epta as quickly as he could. He knew what it felt like to lose someone around here...more than he would have wanted to know. He'd brought his harmonica along, too, hoping that it might help some. It couldn't hurt, he guessed.

He knocked quickly on the door, wanting to be there to comfort his friend the best that he could.

"Atem? It's me."


ringhost December 30 2008, 09:02:41 UTC
Ryoko arrived at the apartment not long after Yamato, infact, just a few seconds after he did actually. She blinked at Yamato for a moment and nodded a greeting.

"Hello." She said before turning to the door and knocking as well, despite the fact that he had already done it.

"Atem? I'm here too."


queenofgames December 30 2008, 09:03:33 UTC
Atem turned her head, surprised to hear two voices, instead of just one. A faint smile touched her face. "It's open," she called in a ragged voice.


dark_friendship December 30 2008, 09:05:19 UTC
Yamato opened the door and headed in, nodding politely at the other girl who had shown up. He was glad to see that Atem had friends who would show up to lend a hand, or a shoulder, as the case may be.

Once he was in, he headed right over to his friend, finding a place to sit where he could be near her so if she needed a hug, he could provide.


ringhost December 30 2008, 09:08:58 UTC
Ryoko followed Yamato inside, the Lady of Faith following just a few steps behind her. The plushie went right to the gods, where she offered them hugs. Ryoko went and sat on Atem's other side, a concerned look in her eyes.

She looked back over at Yamato.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. Bakura Ryoko."


queenofgames December 30 2008, 09:10:35 UTC
The Gods were very grateful to see the Lady of Faith, chirping at her as cheerfully as they could. Atem, in the meantime, turned to her two friends. "I never thought I'd have the energy to curse this place again," she sighed, "but I've got some reserve left. I hate this place."


dark_friendship December 30 2008, 09:13:45 UTC
"Ishida Yamato," Yamato said to the other girl. "You can call me Yamato." Then he turned to Atem. "I know how you feel. I think I've said it before...it's almost like it exists just to make people happy...so it can hurt them more later."


ringhost December 30 2008, 09:16:19 UTC
"I haven't been here very long, so I don't know how this place can be." She said, looking at the plushies for a moment before looking over at Atem.


queenofgames December 30 2008, 09:17:12 UTC
Atem buried her face in her hands with a sob. "I hate this place," she said in a muffled, choked voice. "I hate it so much!"


dark_friendship December 30 2008, 09:18:22 UTC
Yamato shifted closer and gently wrapped his arms around Atem, holding her gently. He remembered how much it had hurt when he'd lost...well, the list was getting long. So he just held her gently, leaving room for Ryoko to do the same if she wanted.


ringhost December 30 2008, 09:20:47 UTC
Ryoko moved to do the same as well. She didn't like seeing Atem like this, then again, she didn't like seeing any of her friends like this. She hadn't been able to do much back home, not with the Spirit of the Ring controling her most of the time.


queenofgames December 30 2008, 09:23:05 UTC
Atem clung to the both of them, sobbing uncontrollably for what seemed the millionth time in only a matter of weeks. How long had it been now since Toshi had vanished? How long since ...? She didn't even want to think of the list of people who had been long gone from here prior to her return. And where was Toshi now? Was he safe in her world? Or was he lying in an unmarked grave, the result of his personal war against those who had killed his family?


dark_friendship December 30 2008, 09:25:37 UTC
Yamato did what he could to comfort her, murmuring soothing words that he wasn't even certain if she heard or not. He patted her hair, and wondered if he should try to get her something to drink or not once she was able to stop crying.


ringhost December 30 2008, 09:29:58 UTC
Ryoko held Atem as best she could, whispering softly to the catgirl. She didn't know who else Atem had lost, but she had a feeling that she had been through a lot in this place. Eventually, the Lady of Faith left the God plushies and wandered over to where they were and gave Atem's leg a hug, trying to comfort her as well.


queenofgames December 30 2008, 09:30:59 UTC
Eventually, Atem's storm of tears petered out, but she clung to her two comforters nevertheless, glad they were there. "I really hate this place," she said hoarsely, groping around for a tissue.


dark_friendship December 30 2008, 09:34:21 UTC
Yamato found her one and handed it over. "I think just about everyone does. And the ones who don't probably will sooner or later anyway."


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