[Thread] Times have changed

Dec 26, 2008 21:44

Characters: OU!Rouge, OU!Shadow
Where: Mui-Enas
When: Christmas
Summary: Rouge has invited Shadow down for some cake and sake. Which, despite their spellings, do not actually rhyme.
Warnings: None

And we've often rewound the clock )

[sonic:sega] shadow, [sonic:sega] rouge the bat

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consideritmine December 27 2008, 07:25:12 UTC
For her, this holiday was never something she made a big deal of. She never called her parents or kept up with any 'traditions' associated with it. Gifts would be received, but it wasn't in her nature to find something to give back, especially not in this place. Rouge wouldn't be surprised if all her presents had been given to her through requests to the Indigeo and if she was going to take the time to give someone a gift, she'd rather it be more thought out and unique than that.

As far as she was concerned, spending some time with her best friend in this hellhole was all the celebration needed for Christmas and when he arrived, she was in the process of pouring them their drinks.

"So nice of you to join me~" she teased and offered him a glass.


bowyourheadslow December 27 2008, 07:49:03 UTC
Shadow chose not to respond. He stopped at the counter, standing not far from Rouge, and took the glass he was given.


He had a small sip, enjoying the flavor and the pleasant burn of the alcohol, then raised an eyebrow and glanced around for the bottle he assumed it must have come from. "This is good. What is it?"


consideritmine December 27 2008, 08:07:17 UTC
"Something a friend brewed up and gave me." She took a sip of her own and decided that she'd have to get more from Urd another time. "It's not my usual fare, but I think it's quite good~"

Rouge made herself comfortable and rested one leg over the other. With a tilt of her head, she motioned to the cake. "Want me to cut you a piece now or in a bit?" This would be a good time to speak with him on a more personal level, though she wasn't sure what conversation topics to start with. Hopefully food and drink would lead to something.


bowyourheadslow December 28 2008, 01:13:44 UTC
"Not yet." Not that he didn't want any, because he was certainly looking forward to it. More than he typically would with food, anyway, since generally it wasn't something he cared about. But he also had sake to drink, and he couldn't imagine that would go well with chocolate cake. One flavor would overpower the other, most likely.

Beyond that, he remained silent, the idea of holding a personal conversation being something far from his mind.


consideritmine December 29 2008, 15:49:46 UTC
As usual, he wasn't offering much to the conversation. It got tiring to have to carry a conversation by herself, but she was used to it and somehow managed every time. Deciding it was too early to dive into anything overly thought provoking, she decided to start with something simple.

"Enjoying your Christmas so far?" she asked casually and ran her finger along the rim of her wine glass.


bowyourheadslow December 30 2008, 04:33:42 UTC
He gave her a mildly annoyed look for part of a second.

"Sure," he stated, not sure what else, if anything, to say to that. Yeah, his Christmas was fine. Why not. It was like any other day, if you ignored all of the posts on the network from people exclaiming how wonderful it was. That was easy enough to do.

And if he ignored the inevitable thoughts about past Christmases, which was considerably harder. They didn't exactly make for a good Christmas, themselves.


consideritmine December 30 2008, 04:42:44 UTC
Not quite the reaction she was expecting, but then again, she had no idea what his memories associated with the holiday were. Unperturbed, she continued on.

"I take it you don't have any plans for later, then?" If he didn't, she had something in mind. Nothing major, of course, but if they saved the cake for a little later, they could go stargazing on the roof while they ate it. It would be relaxing and give them something to do, though she'd probably need to bring a blanket in addition to her coat.


bowyourheadslow December 30 2008, 04:51:32 UTC
"Miss Honda has requested I try some of her eggnog, once it's finished," he said. Not that he could imagine that would take long. But he'd learned by now that being asked if one had plans meant the questioner usually wanted to make some, and he wasn't sure how much longer he'd feel like making a social attempt this evening.

"I take it you have something in mind," he stated. Maybe if it was something worthwhile he'd join her.


consideritmine December 30 2008, 05:08:08 UTC
"I was wondering if you'd keep me company on the roof later. We could eat the cake there and watch the stars~" She made sure to keep her voice as nonchalant as possible, but it was hard to keep out her usual, flirty undertones. It could give him the wrong idea, since she knew it could be taken as her asking him out on a date. While that wasn't something she would normally mind, she had a feeling she already knew the answer to that question and she wanted at least a slight chance of him agreeing.


bowyourheadslow December 30 2008, 05:32:47 UTC
He turned to look at her, eyes narrowed. She'd noticed, of course, that it was something he enjoyed doing on occasion. What she didn't seem to realize was that it was a bit too personal, too intimate, to share. Stargazing was something he did alone, now that he'd lost Maria again.

Besides, he didn't like the tone of her voice. He and Maria had loved looking out the windows in the observation room together, watching the stars, the moon, and the Earth. What Rouge was suggesting, intentionally or not, seemed a corruption of something he treasured, and while "disgusted" was perhaps too strong a word, the gut reaction he felt at her suggestion wasn't far from that.

"I'd rather not," he replied, and turned to his drink once again.


consideritmine December 30 2008, 05:40:57 UTC
She almost wished she hadn't suggested it, with the look he was giving her. It hadn't been that terrible of an idea, had it? Whatever had upset him, she wasn't looking for a fight and was more than happy to back off.

"Fine," she said, also busying herself with her drink. This wasn't turning out well at all.


bowyourheadslow December 30 2008, 06:18:21 UTC
Well, at least she'd dropped it, instead of asking why not or doing something else to press the issue. Not that it even deserved to be called an issue. It was merely an annoyance.

Seeing no reason whatsoever to say anything more, Shadow remained silent as he slowly sipped from the cup of sake. There wasn't much left, and before long he'd finished it off.


consideritmine December 30 2008, 07:01:05 UTC
As he finished, she held the bottle out and offered him more.

"Thank you for your gift, by the way." She may have done a general 'thanks' on her journal, but Shadow deserved a more personal one. The present had been a nice one, after all, and it had been thoughtful of him to get her something.


bowyourheadslow December 30 2008, 18:33:51 UTC
He shrugged. "You're welcome."

It was good she'd appreciated them. He hadn't really known what to get her, so he'd settled for an easy option. It wasn't like there was anything he could give her that could top her birthday present, anyway, so there really wasn't any point in trying.


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