[Thread] All Better Now

Dec 16, 2008 23:48

Characters: OU!Jing, AU!C.C.
Where: Ast-Tessera
When: After C.C. wakes up, following this post
Summary: C.C. wakes from unconsciousness and Jing is relieved.
Warnings: none?

At least she was awake, and for that Jing felt a huge surge of relief so strong that it even momentarily blocked out what he felt about the Alliance right now. He had been carefully watching over since coming back to Ast-Tessera, even after the new roommate had moved in (did Ezri even know about C.C.? he wondered). He wasn't sure if this was one of Econtra's usual comas or she had really been that ill -- and if it had been the later, it was his fault.

She really needs... someone to look after her all the time, he thought. And for some reason, she had imprinted upon him as her master, a title to which Jing was sure would never sit right with him but that he was willing to tolerate if it made sure that C.C. wasn't getting into trouble through no fault of her own, but rather the opportunistic other residents.

And... he might not admit it aloud, but it made him feel worlds better to know that someone, at least one person, still depended on him.

"You didn't fail anything," he said, sitting down next to the bed. "If you had, I'd be angry, right? I'm definitely not angry."

[code geass] c.c., [king of bandits jing] jing

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