[Thread] Pouting in grown men

Nov 08, 2008 19:36

Characters: Pegasus, Siegfried
Where: Sor-Eksi
When: After Siegfried's loss to Kaiba
Summary: Siegfried gets some comforting after losing

Siegfried hated losing, especially to Kaiba. It had been drilled into him since he was just a child that he had to be the best, or at least better than the Kaibas. And so any loss to any Kaiba still galled. It didn't matter if it were in games or business, nor whether the Kaiba was from Siegfried's world or another.

Once he'd lost and fulfilled the conditions of his wager, Siegfried shut himself in his room to sulk. If he'd been at home, he would have found some project to throw himself into and work until he'd burned out any feelings of humiliation and inadequacy. He had no such projects here, though. This left only sulking, which Siegfried at least did prettily. He sat curled - carefully so as not to wrinkle his clothes - on a corner of the bed. His head drooped to hide his face behind his hair. And occasionally one could hear an ever-so-tragic sigh.

[yuugiou] pegasus j crawford, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider

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