[Thread] Don't let it fade away...

Nov 08, 2008 12:49

Characters: Aerith Gainsborough [OU], Cloud Strife [OU]
Where: The church
When: Half hour after this
Summary: Aerith is wondering if its really Cloud who's here. And she wants to find out if he's from her world or another one.
Warnings: Super squishy "awww" factor!

If this is a dream, let me sleep forever )

[final fantasy vii] cloud strife, location: church / cemetery, *complete, [final fantasy vii] aerith gainsborough

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liveandforgive November 8 2008, 18:46:18 UTC
The longer he remained here, the more real this world felt. And that was beginning to scare him. If only in the slightest. It wasn't one of those things where he felt...well, true fear. But a sense of discomfort. Who could have such power to alter his existence in one dimension to the next? If this were a dream, in all honesty, he would have preferred to wake up. Cloud didn't want to be a soldier anymore. He didn't want to fight in a massive war, for a planet that wasn't even his own. Above all else ( ... )


floweringangel November 8 2008, 19:50:40 UTC
Aerith was too lost in her own thoughts to hear the door creak, but she did her Cloud's footsteps and his gasp. Turning quickly towards him, she grinned. "Cloud!" she jumped up from her seat and made her way towards him.

Gone were the years of worry, of watching him from the Lifestream and wishing she could comfort him, tell him the things she never got to say. All she knew was that it was him -- she could feel it. Aerith knew it was Cloud, her Cloud from her own world. There just was a connection there, even across the church. It almost felt like the first time they had met each other, to her at least.


liveandforgive November 8 2008, 20:05:56 UTC
He could have stepped forward, or moved back if he felt scepticle. But he was too lost in his state of shock to actually see her to move. Unless you counted him trembling only in the slightest. But you couldn't visibly see that. Unless you felt him. Cloud had time, it had been...two and a half years or so. He wasn't lost anymore. He had the strength to smile for himself and others again.

So why did he need the past thrust upon him so swiftly again? From the good and the bad points... Aerith Gainsborough and Sephiroth. The first person he'd want to see again and the last he'd ever want to face again. But this was what becoming stronger entailed. Facing the past and overcoming the hardships that complimented it.

Taking a couple of steps or so towards her, slow as if he were still in disbelief, his shocked expression softened some as he inched closer to her. It was like he was afraid that if she got closer, she'd also go farther away. If only Tifa and the others were here to see her again...


floweringangel November 8 2008, 21:17:56 UTC
Aerith stopped herself before she barreled into Cloud, and extended her hands towards him, to grasp tightly. "Cloud," she said a little more softly. "You're really here?" she asked, in some shock that this was real after she finally found her voice. She wanted to hug him, to make sure this was all real, but for the moment...she felt that holding his hands would be enough.


liveandforgive November 8 2008, 21:32:55 UTC
That soft and tender tone in her voice... The touch despite still wearing the cold leather that was his gloves. Beyond his disbelief of being pulled to a whole new world without his consent, the idea that this was a dream was still fresh in his mind. And if it were, the blond still wanted to wake up. This was a war-torn planet. Aerith didn't belong here. Nobody should have been here. And yet here they were. Alive ( ... )


floweringangel November 8 2008, 22:03:28 UTC
Aerith laughed a little, happy that he had finally found his voice. "It's really me, Cloud. I'm here," she stepped closer to him, feeling that maybe more physical contact would help them both right now. She hadn't experienced this the last time there had been a Cloud from a world similar to her own, but maybe that was a sign. A sign that neither of them had really been ready to see each other yet. Now though? Now was a different story. Aerith was bursting to tell Cloud how happy she was here, about Fayt, their upcoming wedding...everything.


liveandforgive November 8 2008, 22:13:34 UTC
She wasn't fading away like the other times. Aerith didn't move for the door and smile back at him. Instead, she moved closer to him. Not farther away. Not a memory, but the reality. How long would this last in this world? When they ended this war and returned home, could Cloud be graced with her precense once more? Or would he be left to wait again ( ... )


floweringangel November 8 2008, 22:56:23 UTC
Aerith was a little surprised when Cloud hugged her, and it took a moment for her to hug him back. Closing her eyes, she held him close, allowing the emotions she was feeling, the memories...everything that she had felt before.

Taking a deep breath, she whispered back, "I missed you too," and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to overwhelm her. As much as she loved Fayt, and she knew no one could come between them, but Cloud would always have a special place in her heart. She couldn't deny that.


liveandforgive November 8 2008, 23:16:07 UTC
Now that he got the feeling of knowing she was genuinely back out of the way, he could relish in feeling content, and letting the moment linger for as long as they could make it. They had about two and a half years of waiting for a moment like this. He could smile with her now instead of years down the line. But there would be time for more smiles later. Not now though; as far as the blond was concerned, she was not safe here. One, in a world rocked by war, not to mention Sephiroth being here...

Cloud had every reason to be concerned and protective. He could handle being happy with her in his life later. Pulling away from the embrace, he knew that she had missed him as well. She must have missed everyone so much. And she could finally see it. With his hands on her shoulders, lightly, a smile remained for her to see. To see just how far he had come after the hurt.


floweringangel November 9 2008, 00:30:28 UTC
Aerith leaned back a little, and smiled up at him. "It really is good to see you, Cloud. There's...a lot that's changed since I've been here," she searched his face momentarily to gauge his reaction. She didn't mention that Sephiroth was there, since she hadn't seen or heard from him much.

"How are things at home? Is everyone alright?" she asked, still smiling. She was content, to be here with him like this.


liveandforgive November 9 2008, 02:09:33 UTC
"I'll bet." By the way she said that, it sounded as if she had been here for a long time... For how long though, he didn't know. He'd just have to ask. When the time was right.

"Everyone's fine..." He was beginning to wonder if Tifa knew if he was gone or not yet... And if she tried to call him, what she thought when he never answered. The sooner they ended this war, the better. They must have missed him, or at least started to get worried. He'd been here for only a couple of hours.


floweringangel November 9 2008, 02:41:56 UTC
"I'm glad," she said and searched Cloud's face again. "Cloud? Is something wrong?" she wasn't overly concerned, just a little. "Oh, I have an idea! How about I show you around the compound?" her face brightened, and she grabbed him by the hand and began tugging him gently, almost like a little child.


liveandforgive November 9 2008, 04:57:50 UTC
Showing him around the compound... To be honest, Cloud didn't like the idea of that. No, that was a lie. It didn't sound so bad, when it wasn't Aerith who wanted to show him everything. Not right now; the last thing the two needed was to have an encounter with a lurking Sephiroth as she tried to show him everything this planet had in store for him.

He'd ask someone else. He'd ask her to hide until he defeated him. He'd...

Cloud would keep her out of harm's way. And yet somehow, he had a feeling that no matter what he said or how forceful he was, he just couldn't steer her from something she wanted to do. At least he could try. Something was wrong alright, beyond missing his world already, and yet finding satisfaction in the precense of the flower girl.

"Aerith," he spoke with a less than soft tone as his smile faded. This was serious. He wanted to come with her and be tugged along like a small child being guided by their mother, but he held his ground for but a moment. "Sephiroth is here."


floweringangel November 9 2008, 06:20:53 UTC
Aerith turned to look at him fully, and raised an eyebrow. "I know," she said, understanding she needed to be serious. "I...ran into him not long ago in the park," she didn't look away, since Aerith wasn't ashamed or afraid. "It was reckless I know, but I didn't do it on purpose. He showed up when I was taking a walk," she put an arm around herself as if warding off a chill.


liveandforgive November 9 2008, 06:57:34 UTC
How could she have known in the first place? The fact that she had met him sent chills down his spine. But it was also a relief to see that she was in good spirits. And alive, for that matter. In fact, she didn't look harmed at all. Unless she was hiding something from him. What slowly began to perplex him further, however, was the fact that Sephiroth didn't touch her...he hoped.

"He didn't touch you... Did he?" He was almost afraid to ask.


floweringangel November 9 2008, 07:11:03 UTC
Aerith smiled and shook her head. "No, at the time the cuffs were still working. They prevented him from doing anything, even if he had wanted to," she felt bad, not telling Cloud the entire truth -- Sephiroth had actually grabbed her face while they were talking, and she had slapped it away. He didn't need to know that for the moment, though.


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