[Thread] Once upon a time

Oct 26, 2008 20:40

Characters: Takion, Open
Where: Park
When: Sometime during third stage mod!plot
Summary: With no cuffs, Takion decides to take advantage of being able to write pretty nearly anything that pops in his head.
Warnings: WTFery?

There was an author. )

[star ocean] luther lansfeld, [pokemon] morty, [kagihime monogatari] alternate l takion, [american mcgee's alice] alice liddell, [cowboy bebop] faye valentine, *open, [digimon] ishida yamato

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lady_bounty October 27 2008, 01:46:11 UTC
Faye decided to go out for a smoke. Not that Faye couldn't smoke in her room; she usually did. But Faye was also bored, and sitting around in her room by herself wasn't doing much for that. So she took herself and her new magically-acquired cigarettes of nicotine happiness outside for a stroll.

She let her feet choose her path and ended up in the park. Drifting idly among the trees, she spotted someone she hadn't seen before sitting against a tree trunk, writing with an old-fashioned pen. Her knee-jerk reaction was to avoid him, but she reconsidered when she thought that her recent habit of avoiding people was probably contributing to her boredom.

So instead she leaned against a nearby tree, waiting to see how long it would take for him to notice her. She dug in her shirt pocket for her cigarettes and tapped one out, sticking it in her mouth as she replaced the box and searched for her lighter. After a few moments she found it and flicked it on... and chose that moment to glance up toward the stranger.

Faye's jaw dropped open, her cigarette dangling from her lip, perilously close to falling, and her lighter uselessly burning the air in front of her. Dumbstruck, she completely forgot about the stranger in the face of the bizarre scene surrounding him.

Rusty gears turned, and her brain creaked out a few broken thoughts. Is that... a squirrel... with wings? Tree... muffins....


takion October 27 2008, 01:51:51 UTC
For the moment, Takion remained unaware of being watched. He did, however, glance up from the pages to admire his handiwork. "What next?" he asked to himself, tapping the end of his pen against his cheek as he thought. "A dragon-fly, perhaps?"


lady_bounty October 27 2008, 08:11:45 UTC
Faye doused the flame of her lighter and snatched the cigarette from her mouth, continuing to gape. She tried to put a sentence together. "Mister... Strange Person... things!! ...Are you doing that?!" ...Well, that was sort of successful....


takion October 27 2008, 11:02:27 UTC
At the sound of a flustered woman, Takion's attention was caught. He blinked and eyed the woman appreciatively. While his taste in women ran to blondes, this one had other assets that he enjoyed as well. "This, you mean?" he asked, gesturing at the small area of changed landscape around him. "I am indeed."


lady_bounty October 27 2008, 18:12:06 UTC
Faye noticed the appreciative look, but filed it away to be dealt with later. Right now there were more important things, like her brain breaking.

"Well... shit!" she replied coherently. She stared at at the squirrel, then returned her attention to the stranger. "...How?"


takion October 27 2008, 18:22:43 UTC
Takion did so love it when he received this sort of reaction. He would always be a show-off at heart. "A special sort of magic," Takion explained as he gestured to the pages filled with his antiquated scrawl. "By pouring enough imagination and creativity into a work, anything is possible."


lady_bounty October 27 2008, 18:49:07 UTC
Damn, she thought, this stuff makes Otogi's magic look like parlor tricks....

Faye inched closer so she could peer at the pages, glancing warily at the magicked squirrel. "So..." she ventured, "...you just... write stuff, and it happens?"


takion October 27 2008, 18:51:09 UTC
Takion offered the pages to the young woman so that she could see for herself that what was written was what was created. "That is the gist of it, although there is a bit more mental effort to it than that."


lady_bounty October 27 2008, 18:59:06 UTC
Faye inched closer and accepted the pages, blinking in astonishment as she read what was written, glancing up once or twice to confirm what she was reading.

"...I'll be damned," she said, and started to hand the pages back, then stopped. "...Can you, like, control people with this stuff?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, watching him warily.


takion October 27 2008, 20:34:51 UTC
"Somewhat," Takion admitted with a shrug. "If they've a strong enough will, however, they can take control of a story. Not entirely pleasant if they decide that the proper way to end the tale is to kill the author. Therefore I try not to do what you have just suggested."


lady_bounty October 27 2008, 20:58:59 UTC
"Hmmm," replied Faye, noncommittally. She wasn't going to believe him, just because he said so. That he was so frank about it seemed to be a good sign, however. She'd just have to be careful.

She handed his pages back, relaxing visibly and taking another look at his creations. "That's really cool~. We don't have magic where I come from, so I'm not really used to it. Your skill is really impressive~." She gave him an admiring look similar to the one he'd given her earlier, the corner of her mouth lifting just slightly in the ghost of a smile.


takion October 27 2008, 21:05:01 UTC
"It is a rare talent where I come from," said Takion as he took back the pages. He carefully shuffled them into a neat stack, and gave his little patch of newly-created scenery a wistful look. "It will be a shame to put all of this back as it was, but it might be best to do just that so as not to upset those overhead."


lady_bounty October 27 2008, 21:42:05 UTC
"Is it? Well then, even more impressive~," replied Faye. She glanced upwards toward the ever-present Keepers, floating sentinel over the compound. "You think they'd care about a flying squirrel and a few tree-muffins?"

She gave the muffins another look. "Are those, like, real muffins? I mean, if someone ate them, would they be... actual muffins?" She was curious if the stranger's magic was similar to Otogi's.


takion October 27 2008, 21:54:33 UTC
"They are real enough to be eaten and enjoyed," Takion assured the young woman. He unfolded himself from the ground and plucked one from the tree to take a bite and show her just how real they were. "Hm, could use a 'butter'fly," he murmured more to himself.


lady_bounty October 27 2008, 22:09:13 UTC
"Interesting~." Faye eyed the muffins, trying to decide if she wanted to eat one herself. She raised an eyebrow at the "'butter'fly" comment, but didn't say anything.

"So..." she continued after a moment, "...can you make normal stuff too? Like... a pack of cards? Or a chair? Or do you just make weird stuff?"


takion October 27 2008, 22:14:30 UTC
Takion couldn't help but grin at the mention of a pack of cards. Hadn't his Queen of Hearts and her many guards been cards, after all? Of course, those were likely not the sort of cards she meant. "If I can imagine it, it can be brought to reality. And such things as those are dreadfully easy to imagine."


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