[Thread] Fear the Goddess

Oct 26, 2008 15:19

Characters: OU!Belldandy, OPEN
Where: Everywhere around the compound.
When: Whenever during Stage Three of modplot.
Summery: Belldandy is pretending to be a meatpuppet and causing pain.
Warnings: Violence? Lots of it. She'll be trying to hurt almost all who enter.

Far scarier than the reaper. )

[yuugiou] kaiba seto, [warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [ah! my goddess] belldandy, [pgsm] mizuno ami/mercury, [trc] kurogane, [age of mythology] persephone

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faintest_memory October 27 2008, 03:02:52 UTC
It was some time after speaking with Juudai, and an hour before she were to meet Fayt and the others over by the pond, when Elise had been walking through the park, her mind wrapped tightly within her thoughts. The young, red-brown haired boy had given her quite a bit to contemplate about, and she couldn't help repeating them to herself, as if struggling to commit them to memory. She would hate to have forgotten all that the boy had advised, so this time, she was intending to take more drastic precautions.

Unfortunately, her reverie was interrupted by the sound of an explosion. Startled, she instantly snapped her head to the side, her gaze almost immediately drawn to the young woman who was quite blatantly the cause of the multitude of explosions.

"Um...excuse me?" she called over to her, tentatively, taking a step forward. "If...if I may ask...what exactly are you doing?"


goddesshelpline October 27 2008, 03:05:39 UTC
Belldandy looked over at Elise and smiled. "Fulfilling the desires of the master." Belldandy said, turning to Elise. "Destruction and pain." She said, forming the ball of energy in her hand, taking a step towards Elise.


faintest_memory October 29 2008, 23:12:01 UTC
Her eyes widening with at the sight of the sphere of energy materalizing within her hands, Elise instinctively took a step backwards. Swallowing, she tried to keep her face devoid of the anxiety that was currently rippling through her. "But..." she began, slowly. "...Why does you master want this?"


goddesshelpline October 29 2008, 23:43:29 UTC
"The master wishes for destruction." Belldandy said, holding out the hand with energy towards Elise. "That is all." She said and fired.


faintest_memory October 30 2008, 00:37:14 UTC
With a small shriek, Elise instantly leapt to the side. Unused to having to move so quickly, her body surged forward, immediately falling onto the ground. Wincing at the sting of her skin having collided so roughly with the floor, she pressed her hands against the ground, slowly beginning to lift herself back up.

A hundred thoughts were running through her mind, all having been scrambled from the fear and anxiety coursing through her veins. Shifting her gaze to the older woman, Elise struggled to hurry to her feet.

"And who is your master?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm and even - which was a difficult feat, considering how someone was rather intent on striking out at her and everyone else.


goddesshelpline October 30 2008, 00:45:10 UTC
"No." Belldandy said and charged up another blast. "Better run." She said sweetly.


faintest_memory October 30 2008, 00:59:40 UTC
Having made it back up to her feet, Elise hesitated, indecision clearly written across her face. Her advice to run was a tempting offer, one that seemed quite wise in this situation. However, it was also cowardly - not to mention partly foolish. After all, what would happen if she began pursuing her?

Straightening, Elise tilted her head up, locking eyes with the older woman. Preparing to start evading, she exclaimed, firmly, "Please stop this! I don't know the exact reasons your master wants this - even though I'm sure they're justifiable in his, or hers, opinion - but causing so much chaos and destruction...it just isn't right! There are innocent lives that could be harmed! Don't you care at all?"

It felt like a dangerous game in trying to halt her actions, but she wanted - no, needed - to give it a shot. She didn't want anyone else to be injured by her attacks, and, as a princess, it felt like her duty to protect them.


goddesshelpline October 30 2008, 01:17:11 UTC
Belldandy giggled. "The master does not care." Belldandy said and fired another blast. How amusing. She was like the fool she was without the power to defend.


faintest_memory October 30 2008, 01:49:17 UTC
Hastily jerking her body to the side - narrowly avoiding it once more - Elise stated, "But what about you? You must have a conscious! A will! A mind of your own!"


goddesshelpline October 30 2008, 01:53:27 UTC
"The master's will is all will." Belldandy said, firing another blast.


faintest_memory October 30 2008, 02:01:46 UTC
Taking another evasive step, the blast, this time, struck the side of her arm. Exhaling sharply as her other hand reached up to seize her wound, she retorted, "Have you ever stopped for once to think about yourself? About what you want? Not just what your master desires?" She felt as if she was reiterating similar questions, but she simply couldn't understand how the older woman was listening to another without a second thought.


goddesshelpline October 30 2008, 02:06:49 UTC
Belldandy paused then, staring at Elise before her arm fell, her eyes becoming half lidded and looking to be in a sort of trance. "You sound just like how Belldandy used to sound! Before, that is." Belldandy said, her eyes still looking blank. "She's no longer here."


faintest_memory October 30 2008, 02:12:10 UTC
"No longer here...?" Elise repeated, confusion flickering through her eyes. "What are you talking about?" It almost sounded as if she was referring to herself, but, at the moment, someone - or something - was possessing her.


goddesshelpline October 30 2008, 02:15:43 UTC
"Surely your naivety hasn't made you stupid too." Belldandy said before she blinked, her eyes focusing on Elise and smiling, holding up her hand. "There is only the master."


faintest_memory October 30 2008, 02:22:50 UTC
So she was possessed. Everything she said now made sense. How that happened or why was uncertain, but not entirely essential at the moment. "Then let me speak to this master of yours," she said, frowning. "At least, if I haven't been already..."


goddesshelpline October 30 2008, 02:26:35 UTC
"Hm? The master hears all!" belldandy said, charging another energy blast. "And the master doesn't want to talk."


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