[Thread] Operation: Find Out What's Wrong With Tim

Oct 23, 2008 02:55

Characters: OU: Cissie King-Jones, OU: Bruce Wayne/Batman, AU: Quatre Winner
Where: An empty classroom
When: An hour after sunset, late in the third stage of the modplot, after these conversations
Summary: Tim has been acting very strangely since before the modplot, but now it's worse. The three people who have noticed it the most get together to discuss what they know, and what to do about it.
Warnings: Batman's involved. Cissie's temper flares when she's stressed. Consider yourselves warned.

Cissie was the first to arrive in the empty classroom she had told Bruce and Quatre to meet her in. She and Quatre had decided to arrive separately to cut down on the risk of getting caught by Tim, who thought they were in Quatre's apartment while he patrolled. She hopped onto the empty teacher's desk to wait for the others to arrive, looking down at her feet in the darkness. That darkness didn't bother her nearly as much as the eerie light given off by the Keepers overhead outside.

She had a lot to think about. After her conversation with Bruce, she had taken to watching Tim much more closely than before. She was more convinced than ever that something was very wrong with him; she just hoped they could figure out what was wrong. And hopefully without tipping their hands to Tim--she knew he wouldn't appreciate a secret meeting about him, even if it was because they wanted to help.

[batman] bruce wayne/batman, [gundam wing] quatre winner, [dc comics] cissie king-jones, location: school

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