[Thread] The Next Life

Oct 20, 2008 20:49

Characters: OU!Alice Liddell, OU!Pharaun Mizzrym
Where: Alice's room, Dor-Eksi
When: A day or so after the events of Delerium Tremens (waaay backdated)
Summary: Pharaun has been ordered to have tea with Alice on account of saying something about her introducing herself as imaginary one too many times. He isn't going to object too strenuously.
Warnings: Probably just the general stuff that would attend these two normally.

Pharaun checked to make certain he had the right address and rapped on the door. "I believe my presence has been commanded?" he called out, smirking.

He was rather looking forward to seeing Alice at a point when no one was trying to kill them any more than usual. The girl - some might have thought she was rather old to be called a girl, but Pharaun considered that anyone less than a quarter of his age qualified - had seemed quite interesting. He wasn't entirely sure what she had meant by calling herself imaginary, and had been going over the possibilities in his mind since their meeting. He hadn't arrived at anything concrete just yet.

Besides, getting to know someone is a shaky concept when you're both running for your lives.

[forgotten realms] pharaun mizzrym, [american mcgee's alice] alice liddell, location: apartments

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