Characters: OU: Tim Drake/Robin, OU: Robin [TT] Open to others (just be warned I'm about to leave for work. Please start a new thread per new character!)
Where: Wherever you like! Please specify in your comment.
When: After this
journal post.Summary: Having made a couple of changes, Robin is checking up on his friends.
Warnings: I got a feeling
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Her arm, shoulder and back muscles were starting to burn when she felt eyes watching her. She let one last arrow fly and turned her head, wary of who she might see. Her eyes widened when she saw Robin--she recognized him, but the suit was... very different. Must be the new look he had been referring to. "Uh... Robin?"
"You're about to run out of arrows though," he noted.
Cissie set her bow down and turned to look at Robin, eyeing the costume change carefully. "So this is the new look you mentioned?"
He stayed still as Cissie looked him over, letting her take in the costume. "That's right. Though it's not so much a new look. I've worn this before but -- not entirely by choice."
She pulled another arrow out, looking it over before finally commenting on the costume change again. "It's an interesting look. Different. How do you mean, 'not entirely by choice'?"
He was glad for the distraction of gathering the arrows -- it made answering Cissie's question easier. "First time I wore this, my friends live's were being held by hostage by the guy who made it. His name's Slade. He wanted an Apprentice."
She eyed Robin as they worked, contemplating his answer. "Did he want you specifically or was it a 'wrong place, wrong time' kind of thing?"
Robin's mouth went thin and tense. "He spent a long time manipulating me into the frame of mind where I believed that taking his orders was my only choice. He wanted me."
The smile faded when she heard Robin's answer, and saw the look on his face. "He sounds... special," she muttered dryly, feeling angry on Robin's behalf. "What happened?"
Slade always brought out the best in him. Robin scowled. "My friends worked it out. They believed in me, and we kicked Slade's butt together. It was a really long time before he came back from that one." The scowl faded, becoming more sad as he continued. "The second time wasn't that long ago. One of the transformations. Nightwing became version of us that had seen all the Titans die. He was -- bitter. Me -- I was a me who had never been freed from Slade's control. That's how I got this suit."
"I'm glad your friends were there for you." Cissie frowned, picking up on the sadness in Robin's voice and remembering something Tim had said when they'd argued shortly after her arrival. "That... second time," she said slowly, "was before I came here, right? Was that when Tim was..."
Cissie had it. Robin nodded solemnly. "That was when Tim was Batman," he said. "I was with him for most of it."
She drew in a slow breath, frowning. "So... can I ask why you want to wear it now?"
It vanished abruptly to answer Cissie's question. "Things are going to be difficult from now on. It's going to be hard. I can't get -- distracted." Robin took a breath. "I'm going to need a lot of anger."
Which was part of why Robin's comment about anger, combined with his reasoning for the suit, bothered her. She frowned. "Distracted how?"
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